15 November 2023

16 November, Antonio, Cardinal Bacci: Meditations For Each Day

Evil Literature

1. As far back as 1886 Leo XIII in his Encyclical "Pergrata Nobis" deplored the extent to which evil literature was perverting morals and insidiously attacking the faith. Elsewhere he wrote: "Every day we see new falsehoods emerging with unbelievable audacity, both in large volumes and in pamphlets, periodicals and in newspapers of every kind." (AL., 1883, p. 262) "The yellow press is like a poison which diffuses itself everywhere." (AL., 1893, p. 340) "The enemies of the Church employ it as the most powerful weapon with which to combat Her. Their evil and disturbing publications are, unfortunately, restrained neither by law nor by public opinion." (A.L., 1882) "We perceive with the utmost sorrow books and newspapers which seem to have been compiled in order to sneer at virtue and to exalt the vilest indecencies." (AL., 1888, p. 396)

The solemn warning of Leo XIII has been repeated over and over again by his successors. His Holiness Pope Pius XII went so far as to declare that today the propagation of evil has been turned into an industry. The unhealthy curiosity of a great many people, especially of the young, is exploited in order to sell indecent publications which are devoid of any literary value. In every bookstall are displayed gaudy magazines which attract the eye of the passer-by. If he is already the victim of vicious habits he is provided with a further incentive towards evil, or if he is young and innocent the dangerous disturbance which he experiences may be the beginning of an ultimate surrender to his lower instincts.

Since it is obvious, therefore, that the printing press has become one of the most powerful means of diffusing good and evil among individuals and families, let us examine our own attitude towards it. What kind of books and newspapers do we read ? Do we support good or evil literature? Our reading, like our friends, shows what we are. If we read worldly, frivolous, or even evil publications, we are injected, perhaps unconsciously, with a subtle spiritual poison. The results may be disastrous.

2. There can be adequate reasons for reading hostile literature, such as for the purposes of study or of apostolic work. In such cases, however, it is necessary to observe the following rules. (1) If the books which we wish to read are on the Index, we must ask and obtain the requisite permission. (2) When a publication is openly pornographic and completely lacking in literary or scientific value, it must be avoided at all costs. It is pointless to protest: "It has no effect on me.'' This is not true, for sooner or later obscenity poisons the soul. (3) Even when we have obtained permission, for reasons of position or of study, to read immoral literature, we must take care not  to cause any scandal. Scandal could be given by reading a book of this kind in public, by passing it on to others, or by leaving it heedlessly in places where it could be found and perused by the ignorant or by the young.

It may be that on these three points we have something to correct in our own conduct.

3. As far as possible, we are also obliged to avoid daily or weekly newspapers and magazines which are not actually immoral but are given to supplying sensational information, such as scandals, reports of trials, malicious gossip, and so forth. Generally speaking, we ought not to read these indifferent publications for two reasons. (1) Any kind of evil seeps gradually into the soul until it has corrupted it. (2) We have an obligation to support in preference all good literature,  especially Catholic newspapers and periodicals. The indifferent attitude which many people adopt towards printed matter is always dangerous and sometimes sinful.

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