08 July 2023

Fernández Removes All Doubts: The Revolution Is Upon Us

Just in case anyone still has doubts about Tucho Fernández, he's made it quite clear he's on board with Francis's plans to destroy the Church.

From La Verita Ci Fa Liberi

By Stefano Fontana

The new prefect of the Doctrine of the Faith mixes reassurances and anticipations of the new course. For now, the only certainty is that he will reinterpret the doctrine in the same way in which he intends to lead the dicastery: "in my way".

In an interview published yesterday by InfoVaticana , the new prefect for the Doctrine of the faith has already clarified many things about his forthcoming work in the Holy Office building: he will carry out the blessing of homosexual couples in church, he hopes that some heresy will come from the German synod from used to progress in the faith, the doctrine is not touched but reinterpreted, the management of the Dicastery will take place "in my way", that is, in his way.

Again in La Plata (he will greet the diocese in a Eucharistic celebration on August 5) Bishop Victor Fernandez already grants his first interview as prefect . The aim is to reassure and tone down the tones, but the effect is exactly the opposite, exacerbate them and remove any reasonable doubt about the revolution that awaits us. Interviewed by the Spanish online newspaper InfoVaticana, Fernández said that his famous booklet on the kiss was nothing more than a pastoral attempt from when he was a young parish priest, that the reference to the immoral methods of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in past times is due to his conviction that evil is evil in any case, that doctrine does not change and that Cardinal Ladaria, whom he now replaces, has led the dicastery well.

He also assured that he was against abortion , recalled that he had dedicated many of his books to talking about God and that he had also written "many prayer booklets, or simple catechisms". He claimed to have the qualifications to occupy the new post and not to owe his career to the protection of Francesco. Many, far too many, self-defense. However, the goal of healing spirits has not succeeded and the many worlds of the Catholic Church that have even revolted after the news of his appointment can now confirm their apprehensions.

InfoVaticana immediately asks what you think of the blessing of same-sex couples . Fernández replies that these relationships cannot be compared to marriage and therefore actions that, using the same words, express something different should be avoided. And he concludes: «For this reason I think that the utmost care that one should have is to avoid rites or blessings that could fuel this confusion. Now, if a blessing is given in such a way as not to cause that confusion, it will have to be analyzed and confirmed."

This is the well-known thesis according to which the homosexual relationship must be accepted and disciplined as long as it is not confused with marriage . Francis has already expressed this position regarding the legal recognition of same-sex couples by the state, here Fernandez applies the criterion to blessings in church. Both pretend not to see that the homosexual relationship is a disorder in itself, and therefore wrong, even if it is not compared to marriage.

On 15 March 2021, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had published a Responsum , signed by the prefect Ladaria and the secretary Morandi in which the practice of blessing homosexual couples, already widely used in Belgium, Germany and elsewhere, was prohibited. The document was released after a considerable standoff in the Vatican. Everyone knows that the Pope was against it. In the end, the loophole was chosen to end the document with a wording about approval that didn't sound like a real approval. The Pope gave "his assent di lui" after having been "informed". After this sad event, Monsignor Morandi, recently secretary of the dicastery, was "promoted" to bishop of Reggio Emilia.

Now the story ends: there will be blessings , the new prefect wants them and the Pope wants them too. We'll see if the bishops and priests will apply them. We'll see if there is any resistance. The fact is in any case and as of now disruptive. It is very heavy that, immediately after the communication of his election from him, the new prefect felt obliged to clarify where it will end up.

Then the question on the German synod could not be omitted. Here Fernández extricated himself skilfully. At first he kept out of it, claiming to have been busy in something else lately. Then he said that he will have to update himself on the matter, finally concluding by saying that "for now I have to tell you that I don't think there is anything good in this movement". That "for now" leaves a window open to possible different evaluations after the necessary update. Then he adds: «Once Cardinal Ladaria told me that he hoped there was some heretic who would force us to deepen our faith». Here the glimmer of light widens a lot and prefigures a possible future positive evaluation of the heresies of the German synod which would provoke reflection and would be useful for the Church's journey.The position expressed is similar to that of the Pope: they say they are against, but he lets himself be; then you approve.

Nor could the question on the doctrine of the faith be omitted , given the post that Fernández will occupy. In fact, the interviewer asks whether the doctrine should be reformulated or accepted as it has been transmitted to us. Here is the predictable answer: «The doctrine does not change, because it is basically the unfathomable, wonderful and immutable mystery of the Trinity expressed in Christ. Everything is there and cannot be improved or changed. There is nothing to add. Another thing is our understanding of that doctrine, and that indeed it has changed and will continue to change. This is why in Dei Verbum it is said, for example, that the work of exegetes can mature the opinion of the Church".We are solid yes … but. Interpretation (hermeneutics) becomes foundational of what doctrine is here and today, and not just explanatory. Not only gnoseological but ontological as the technicians would say. So the doctrine changes.

Once the first impression of a desire to reassure has been overcome , the interview turns out to be very tough. Fernández reiterates three times that he will lead the dicastery "my way", indicating with indubitable clarity that the revolution is upon us.

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