25 July 2023

Catholic Campaign for Human Development Closes all Communication, Refuses to Answer Questions

I'm, not at all surprised, given the anti-Catholic causes supported by CCHD, the last thing they want is to answer questions from actual Catholics!

From Complicit Clergy

By Michael Hichborn

Over the weekend, the Lepanto Institute received a letter from Bishop Timothy Senior, current chairman of the subcommittee for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), slamming the door on any discussion regarding serious concerns related to CCHD grantees while refusing to publish the most recent grants list.  Despite the CCHD’s vigorous commitment to “operate at the highest levels of … transparency,” this letter from the CCHD’s leadership proves otherwise.

Last November the Lepanto Institute published a report showing that over 30% of organizations receiving funding from the CCHD from 2020-2021 were in violation of Catholic moral teaching and CCHD grant guidelines through the promotion of abortion, contraception, LGBTQ ideologies, and outright Marxism.  Of the $11,249,000 distributed by the CCHD in FY 2020-2021, $3,430,000 went to organizations acting against Holy Mother Church.  One example of an organization the CCHD refuses to discuss is ABLE NH, which received $40,000 from the CCHD and is a partner of Planned Parenthood, promoted masturbation, and promoted LGBTQ ideologies.   Another example is Faith in Florida ($40,000), which very publicly decried the overturning of Roe v. Wade and committed itself to defending abortion “as a right.”  CTUL ($60,000) actively campaigned for socialist political leaders and actively pushed LGBTQ ideologies while the Ostara Initiative ($65,000) actively works to help incarcerated women obtain access to abortions.  The report analysis can be read here, and the complete list of clickable reports for violating organizations can be found here.

Despite the findings of this report, the CCHD has adamantly refused to answer any questions or concerns.  The Lepanto Institute has heard from hundreds of supporters who have emailed and called CCHD officials over the last eight months to ask about the groups profiled in our report, and not a single one has received an answer.  All have reported that CCHD officials are not answering their phones, nor are they responding to emails.

Continue reading at Lepanto Institute

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