23 July 2023

25 July, The Roman Martyrology

Octávo Kaléndas Augústi Luna séptima Anno Dómini 2023

July 25th 2023, the 7th day of the Moon,

On the morrow we keep the feast

Holy Apostle James, brother to the blessed Evangelist John. He was beheaded by King Herod Agrippa about the time of the Passover. His sacred bones were on this day brought from Jerusalem to Spain, and laid in the uttermost parts thereof, in Gallicia, where they are devoutly honoured by the constant veneration of the peoples of that country, and by the flocking together of multitudes of Christians who betake themselves thither for godliness' sake and from vows.
In Lycia, the holy martyr Christopher, who, under the Emperor Decius, was beaten with iron rods. He was preserved from fire by the power of Christ, but at last was shot with arrows, and then beheaded, and so finished his testimony.
At Barcelona, in Spain, the blessed martyr Cucufas, who, in the persecution under the Emperor Diocletian, overcame many torments under the President Dacian, and was then smitten with the sword, and so passed a conqueror to Heaven.
In Palestine, the holy martyr Paul. He was condemned to death under the President Firmilian in the persecution under the Emperor Maximian Galerius. He asked for a few moments in which to pray, sovereign he besought God with all his heart for his fellow-countrymen then for the Jews and Gentiles, that they might be brought to the knowledge of the truth then for the multitude that stood around then for the judge who had condemned him, and for the executioner who was to slay him. Then his head was cut off, and he received the crown of martyrdom.
There also the holy Virgin and martyr Valentina. When she was led to the altar to sacrifice, she kicked it over. She was horribly tortured, and then cast into the fire, along with another Virgin that was her companion, and so hastened hence, to be with Christ her Bridegroom.
At Civita di Bagno, in Valeria, [in the third century,] the holy martyrs Florence and Felix of Siponte.
At Cordova, [in the ninth century,] the holy martyr, the monk Theodemir.
At Trier, [at the end of the sixth century,] the holy Confessor Magneric, Bishop [of that see.]
℣. And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
℟. Thanks be to God.

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