12 July 2023

14 July, The Roman Martyrology

Prídie Idus Iúlii Luna vicésima sexta Anno Dómini 2023

July 14th 2023, the 26th day of the Moon,

On the 14th day of July, were born into the better life:

At Lyon, the holy Confessor Bonaventure of the Order of Friars Minors, Cardinal Bishop of Albano, Doctor of the Church, very famous for his teaching and the holiness of his life, [in the year 1279.]
At Rome, under the Tribune Claudius, the holy soldier Justus. God caused a vision of the Cross to appear to him, whereupon he believed in Christ, and as soon as he was baptized gave all his goods to feed the poor. He was tried under the Prefect Magnetius, who commanded him to be beaten with thongs, and a red-hot helmet to be put upon his head, and to be laid upon a burning fire. Not an hair of his head was hurt, but he gave up the ghost, confessing the Lord.
At Sinope, in Pontus, the holy martyr Phocas, Bishop of that city. Under the Emperor Trajan he overcame imprisonment, chains, iron, and fire for Christ's sake, and winged his flight to heaven. His relics were brought to Vienne, in Gaul, and are laid in the Church of the Holy Apostles.
At Alexandria, holy Heracles, Pope [of that see,] to whose judgement so much weight was attached that the Chronicler Julius the African mentions that he went to Alexandria to visit him, [in the year 246.]
At Carthage, holy Cyrus, Bishop [of that see,] on whose feast-day holy Augustine preached to the people a sermon concerning him.
At Como, holy Felix, first Bishop of that city.
At Brescia, the holy Optatian, Bishop [of that see, fifth century.]
At Deventer, in the Low Countries, the holy Priest Marcellinus, [about the year 800.]
At Rome, the holy Camillus de' Lellis, founder of the Congregation of Regular Clerks for ministering to the sick, [in the year 1619.] He was illustrious for his holy life and miracles, and the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XIV enrolled his name among those of the saints. [We keep his feast upon the 18th day of this present month of July.]
At Lima, in the kingdom of Peru, the holy Confessor Francis Solano, of the Order of Friars Minors, famous for his preaching, signs, and mighty works, among the Indians of that country, whose name the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XIII added to the list of the Saints.
℣. And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
℟. Thanks be to God.

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