20 May 2023

Yet Another Thing in Need of a Papal "Clarification"?

Pope Eugene IV, 'No one, ... even if he sheds his blood for the name of Christ, can be saved, if he does not remain ... in the unity of the Catholic Church.' (Bull Cantate Domino [Bull of Union with the Copts], 4 February 1442.)

By  Steven O’Reilly

Over the course of the current pontificate, Catholics have been subjected to a growing list of questionable actions by Pope Francis.  Some may, with reason, suggest that describing them merely as “questionable” is to put things too charitably. Items on the list that quickly come to mind include Amoris Laetitia, the Abu Dhabi document, and Pachamama. But these are but a few of the more significant items on the ever growing “list.”

Some may see in a recent action by the Pope another addition to that ever-growing “list.”

Per the EWTN tweet, Pope Francis recently stated the Coptic Christians who were martyred by ISIS a few years back will now be included in the Roman Martyrology. This action has already raised a few eyebrows in Catholic social media.

By way of a brief historical overview, the origin of the Coptic Orthodox Church traces back to the Council of Chalcedon of 451 AD (held to combat heresy of Eutyches and the Monophysites), and the excommunication of Dioscurus, bishop of Alexandria. Without going into the particulars, the main takeaway for the purpose of this article is only to note that the Coptic Orthodox Church is not in communion with the See of Rome.

With the Coptic Church being in schism with Rome, some Catholics on social media have called to mind a quote from Cantate Domino, a Bull of Pope Eugene IV from the Council of Florence.  Below, I provide the Latin text of the portion of Cantate Domino which has been cited, which is relevant to this story:

“Firmiter credit, profitetur et predicat nullos extra ecclesiam catholicam existentes, non solum paganos, sed nec iudeos aut hereticos atque scismaticos eterne vite fieri posse participes, sed in ignem eternum ituros, qui paratus est dyabolo et angelis eius (Mt 25, 41), nisi ante finem vite eidem fuerint aggregati, tantum que valere ecclesiastici corporis unitatem, ut solis in ea manentibus ad salutem ecclesiastica sacramenta proficiant et ieiunia, elemosine ac cetera pietatis officia et exercitia militie christiane premia eterna parturiant, neminem que quantascunque elemosinas fecerit, et si pro Christi nomine sanguinem effuderit, posse salvari, nisi in catholice ecclesie gremio et unitate permanserit.”

(Source: EUGENIUS IV, Cantate Domino, BULLA UNIONIS COPTORUM AETHIOPUMQUE4 februarii 1442 (1441 stilo Florent.), CONC. (OECUM. XVII) FLORENTINUM, 26 Febr. 1439 – Aug. 1445, SESSIO XI)

An automated Google English translation of which is provided below (emphasis added):

“The Church firmly believes, confesses and announces that none of those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, will be able to attain eternal life, but will go into eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his angels (Mt 25:41), if they have not been reunited with her before death; believes the unity of the body of the Church to be so important that only those who persevere in it will the sacraments of the Church obtain salvation, and fasting, other works of piety and exercises of the Christian militia obtain the eternal reward: no one, however how many alms he has given and even if he had shed his blood for the name of Christ he can be saved, if he does not remain in the womb and in the unity of the Catholic Church.

I do not question the heroism of the Copts who were executed by the Muslim radicals of ISIS, or that they were killed for their faith; nor do I presume to call into question, or to decide their eternal fate. The Holy Spirit works where He wills. The question does remain whether these Coptic Orthodox Christians qua Coptic Orthodox Coptic Christians should be entered into the martyrology of the Roman Catholic Church. This question arises when one reads Pope Eugene IV, cited above, where he explicitly writes, “no one, however how many alms he has given and even if he had shed his blood for the name of Christ he can be saved, if he does not remain in the womb and in the unity of the Catholic Church.”

On the question as to whether non-Catholics can be canonized, Catholic Answer opined as follow (emphasis added):


Could a non-Catholic be canonized by the Catholic Church?


It is theoretically possible that the Church could canonize a non-Catholic, because canonization is simply an official acknowledgment that a particular person is in heaven. But to date the Church has done so only with its own members. This is because one of the purposes of canonization is to set forth for Catholics a model of Catholic Christian holiness.”

(Source: https://www.catholic.com/qa/could-a-non-catholic-be-canonized-by-the-catholic-church)

So, accepting this statement, we are apparently left with this occasion being the first ever entry of ‘non-Catholics’ into the Roman Martyrology. Fine. It would seem that Pope Francis has concluded these Eastern Coptic Christians remained or died “in the womb and in the unity of the Catholic Church.”  Fine.  But still, it seems some further explanation by Pope Francis would be helpful in light of Pope Eugene IV’s Cantate Domino.

For example, on what theological basis does a pope distinguish between those who “shed his blood for the name of Christ” and die “in the unity of the Catholic Faith” from those who “shed his blood for the name of Christ” and do not die “in the unity of Catholic Faith“?  Is there even such a distinction according to Francis? Is Francis correcting Eugene IV? Is the implication that Francis is suggesting Eugene IV is speaking of a non-existent, hypothetical category? Is the answer to be found in John 15:13, i.e., a love for God?  Is Pope Francis “developing” doctrine here?  Separately, even setting aside the questions and granting the truth of the matter, is it prudent to do so, given the risk of contributing toward something of religious indifferentism?

I am not saying there are not good, sufficient answers to be had here. I am just curious as to what they are. Perhaps another round of dubia are needed…and, if they do come, they will most likely remain unanswered as well.

Steven O’Reilly is a graduate of the University of Dallas and the Georgia Institute of Technology. A former intelligence officer, he and his wife, Margaret, live near Atlanta. He has written apologetic articles, and is author of Book I of the Pia Fidelis trilogy, The Two Kingdoms; and of Valid? The Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI(Follow on twitter at @fidelispia for updates). He asks for your prayers for his intentions.  He can be contacted at StevenOReilly@AOL.com  or StevenOReilly@ProtonMail.com (or follow on Twitter: @S_OReilly_USA or on GETTR, TruthSocial, or Gab: @StevenOReilly).

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