06 May 2023

The Raccolta - Section XXXIII - Works of Mercy


By an Edict of his Eminence the Cardinal-Vicar, Feb. 28, 1778, regarding the spiritual and temporal assistance of the sick in the hospitals in Rome, Pope Pius VI. exhorts in an especial manner all ecclesiastics and congregations of seculars, and in general all the faithful, to frequent the hospitals, each one those of his or her own sex, instructing, consoling, and serving the sick, or ministering to them some restorative, medicine, &c.
and the more to animate the faithful to these charitable duties, he granted -
An indulgence of 100 days every time they do this good work.


Pius VII., by a Rescript of the Segretaria of the Memorials, Sept. 16, 1806, granted the following Indulgences to all the faithful who shall co-operate in the spiritual or temporal welfare of the pious house called the Refuge, erected in Rome in the same year 1806, near St. Mary, beyond the Tiber, solely for those women who, after the expiration of their sentences in the public gaol of St. Michael, desire of their own accord to enter this pious house, and to live there removed from dangerous occasions of sin, doing penance for their past transgressions.
i. A plenary indulgence on the day on which, after Confession and Communion, they are enrolled as Deputies or Benefactors.
ii. A plenary indulgence on the Feast of St. John, Evan., Dec. 27; provided that, after Confession and Communion, they visit the church of St. John in Ayno, now in S. Nicola degli Incoronati, where the divine offices are celebrated by the directors of the said pious house of  “the Refuge."
iii. A plenary indulgence in articulo mortis, if, being penitent, they invoke with contrite hearts the most holy Names of Jesus and Mary.
iv. An indulgence of 200 days, to those who themselves shall give, or in any other way make it their care that spiritual or corporal assistance is given to these poor penitent women.
v. An indulgence of sixty days, to those who shall give bread to these poor women, or alms to this pious house, as well as every time they shall prevail on others to give, or in any other way contribute to the support of the house.
vi. An indulgence of sixty days every time they give alms to settle them in honourable marriage, or in a cloistered monastery.
vii. An indulgence of 100 days every time they shall assist at, or, if priests, say Mass on the anniversaries, or recite the office for the deputies or benefactors deceased.
viii. Finally, those who are deputies or benefactors shall during life share in all the prayers, works of piety, &c., which shall be done by these women; and at the death of each deputy or benefactor three Masses shall be celebrated for his soul, provided that this charity of his shall have been persevered in up to the moment of his death.


Pope Pius VII., by a Rescript of June 13, 1815, of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, confirmed the following Indulgences previously granted to any one who shall feed three poor persons in memory of, and to the special honour of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph -
i. An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines every time he does this with a heart penitent for its sins.
ii. A plenary indulgence, if on the same day, after Confession and Communion, he shall pray according to the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
iii. An indulgence of 100 days to all the members of the family, or domestics of him, by whom this charitable work is done, as well as to all who shall contribute to this work of mercy, whether by lending their own services, or by their mere presence.
Thus Rescript is kept in the Segretaria of the Tribunal of his Eminence the Cardinal-Vicar, and an authentic copy ins the Archivium of the Pious Union of St. Paul, elsewhere named.

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