16 May 2023

The Raccolta - Section XLIII - Jesus


The Sovereign Pontiff Sixtus V., of holy memory, in his desire that all faithful Christians should have frequently during life, in their hearts and on their lips, the most holy Name of Jesus, together with the name of Mary, and especially at the moment of their death, granted by his Bull "Reddituri," July 11, 1587 -
i. An indulgence of 100 days every time any one saluting another should say - 

Laudetur Jesus Christus, - Praised be Jesus Christ;

or should answer -

In saecula, amen, - Praised for evermore.

Moreover he granted –
ii. Twenty-five days' indulgence every time any one should devoutly invoke the most holy Names of Jesus and Mary; and to every one who during their lifetime has had the devout practice of saluting and answering as above, or of invoking often the said most holy Names, he granted –
iii. A plenary indulgence in the hour of death, provided that they then invoke these holy Names with at least a contrite heart, if they are unable to do so with their months.
Lastly, he granted the above-named Indulgences to preachers, as well as to all those who should exhort the faithful to salute each other in this above-named way, and to invoke frequently the most holy Names of Jesus and Mary. These Indulgences were again confirmed afresh by Pope Benedict XIII., in a decree of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, dated Jan. 12, 1728.
Moreover, to all those who should invoke the same most holy Name, with the devout ejaculation,

My Jesus, mercy!

so much used by the Blessed Leonard of Port Maurice, the Sovereign Pontiff Leo XII., of happy memory, for the special benefit of the dying, who at the time of their death cannot make long prayers, granted in the year 1824, vivae vocis oraculo (by word of month) -
iv. The indulgence of 100 days every time they repeat the said pious ejaculation. By a decree of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, dated Sept. 23, 1846, the Sovereign Pontiff Pius IX. graciously deigned to confirm the above for ever.


By a rescript, dated June 13, 1815, of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, Pope Pius VII. confirmed the following Indulgences, which had been previously granted, to any one who should devoutly recite the Psalms whose initial letters compose the most holy Name of Jesus, together with the hymns and prayer: viz.-
i. An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines every time they are recited;
ii. A plenary indulgence once a month to any one who should recite them every day for a month, on any one day when, having Confessed and Communicated, he shall pray according to the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff;
iii. To any one who should recite them frequently in the course of the year he granted a plenary indulgence on the Feast of the most holy Name of Jesus (the Second Sunday after Epiphany), provided that on that day, after having Confessed and Communicated, he pray as above.
Moreover, by a decree of the same S. Congr. of Indulgences, dated Nov. 13, 1821, the same Pope Pius VII., of holy memory, extended the plenary indulgence no. iii. to the faithful on two other days, viz. the Feast of the Circumcision of our Lord Jesus Christ, Jan. 1, and this Feast of Jesus the Nazarene, Oct. 23; provided that on those days they pray as above, after Confession and Communion.



Jesu dulcis memoria,
Dans vera cordi gaudia:
Sed super mel, et omnia,
Ejus dulcis praesentia.

Nil canitur suavius,
Nil auditur jucundius,
Nil cogitatur dulcius, 
Quam Jesus Dei Filius.

Jesu spes poenitentibus,
Quam pius es petentibus!
Quam bonus te quaerentibus!
Sed quid invenientibus?

Nec lingua valet dicere,
Nec littera exprimere:
Expertus potest credere,
Quid sit Jesum diligere.

Sis, Jesu, nostrum gaudium,
Qui es futurum praemium:
Sit nostra in te gloria,
Per cuncta semper gaudia.

J.  Ant. In Nomine Jesu.

Ps. 99

Jubilate Deo omnis terra: * servite Domino in laetitia.
Introite in conspectu ejus, * in exultatione. 
Scitote, quoniam Dominus ipse est Deus: * ipse fecit nos, et non ipsi nos.
Populus ejus, et oves pascuae ejus: * introite portas ejus in confessione, atria ejus in hymnis; confitemni illi.
Laudate nomen ejus, quoniam suavis est Dominus, in aeternum misericordia ejus: * et usque in generationem et generationem veritas ejus.
Gloria Patri, et Filio, &c.

Ant. In Nomine Jesu omne genu flectatur coelestium, terrestrium, et infernorum.

E.  Ant. Ego autem.

Ps. 19.

Exaudiat te Dominus in die tribulationis : * protegat te nomen Dei Jacob.
Mittat tibi auxilium de sancto: * et de Sion tueatur te.
Memor sit omnis sacrificii tui : * et holocaustum tuum pingue fiat.
Tribuat tibi secundum cor tuum: * et omne consilium tuum confirmet.
Laetabimur in salutari tuo: * et in nomine Dei nostri magnificabimur.
Impleat Dominus omnes petitiones tuas: * nunc cognovi, quoniam salvum fecit Dominum Christum suum.
Exaudiet illum de coelo sancto suo: * in potentatibus salus dexterae ejus.
Hi in curribus, et in in equis: * nos autem in nomine Domini Dei nostri invocabimus.
Ipsi obligati sunt, et ceciderunt: * nos autem surreximus, et erecti sumus.
Domine, salvum fac regem: * et exaudi nos in die, qua invocaverimus te.
Gloria Patri, &c.

Ant. Ego autem in Domino gaudebo, et exultabo in Deo Jesu meo.

S.  Ant. Sanctum et terribile. 

Ps. 11.

Salvum me fac, Domine, quoniam defecit sanctus, * quoniam diminutae sunt veritates a filiis hominum.
Vana locuti sunt unusquisque ad proximum suum: * labia dolosa in corde, et corde locuti sunt.
Disperdat Dominus universa labia dolosa, * et linguam magniloquam.
Qui dixerunt: linguam nostram magnificabimus, labia nostra a nobis sunt: * quis noster Dominus est?
Propter miseriam inopum, et gemitum pauperum, nunc exurgam, dicit Dominus.
Ponam in salutari: * fiducialiter agam in eo.
Eloquia Domini eloquia casta, * argentum igne examinatum, probatum terrae, purgatum septuplum.
Tu, Domine, servabis nos, et custodies nos * a generatione Isaac in aeternum.
In circuitu impii ambulant: * secundum altitudinem tuam multiplicasti filios hominum.
Gloria Patri, &c.

Ant. Sanctum, et terribile Nomini ejus: initium sapientiae timor Domini.

U.  Ant. Vocabis Nomen ejus Jesum. 

Ps. 12.

Usquequo, Domine, oblivisceris me in finem? * usquequo avertis faciem tuam a me?
Quamdiu ponam consilia in anima mea, * dolorem in corde meo per diem ?
Usquequo exaltabitur inimicus meus super me* respice, et exaudi me, Domine Deus meus.
Illumina oculos meos, ne unquam obdormiam in morte; * nequando dicat inimicus meus: prevalui adversus eum.
Qui tribulant me, exultabunt, si motus fuero: * ego autem in misericordia tua speravi.
Exultabit cor meum in salutari tuo: cantabo Domino, qui bona tribuit mihi, * et psallam nomini Domini altissimi.
Gloria Patri, &c.

Ant. Vocabis Nomen ejus Jesum: Ipse enim salvem faciet populum suum a peccatis eorum.

S.  Ant. Sitivit anima mea. 

Ps. 128.

Saepe expugnaverunt me a juventute mea: * dicat nunc Israel.
Saepe expugnaverunt me a juventute mea: * etenim non potuerunt mihi.
Supra dorsum meum fabricaverunt peccatores: * prolongaverunt iniquitatem suam.
Dominus justus concidit cervices peccatorum: * confundantur, et convertantur retrorsum omnes, qui oderunt Sion.
Fiant sicut foenum tectorum, * quod priusquam evellatur, exaruit.
De quo non implevit manum suam, qui metit, * et sinum suum, qui manipulos colligit.
Et non dixerunt, qui praeteribant: Benedictio Domini super vos: * benediximus vobis in nomine Domini.
Gloria Patri, &c.

Ant. Sitivit anima mea ad Nomen sanctum tuum, Domine.


Jesu Rex admirabilis 
Et triumphator nobilis, 
Dulcedo ineffabilis 
Totus desiderabilis.

Quando cor nostrum visitas, 
Tunc lucet ei veritas 
Mundi vilescit vanitas, 
Et intus fervet charitas.

Jesu dulcedo cordium, 
Fons vivus, lumen mentium, 
Excedens omne gaudium 
Et omne desiderium.

Jesum omnes agnoscite, 
Amorem ejus poscite;
Jesum ardenter quaerite, 
Quaerendo inardescite.

Te nostra, Jesu, vox sonet,
Nostri Te mores exprimant;
Te corde nostra diligant
Et nunc, et in perpetuum. Amen.

V. Sit nomen Domini benedictum.
R. Ex hoc nunc, et usque in saeculum.

Deus, qui Unigenitum Filium tuum constituisti humani generis Salvatorem, et Jesum vocari jussisti: concede propitius; ut cujus sanctum Nomen veneramur in terris, ejus quoque aspectu perfruamur in coelis. Per eumdem Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum, &c.


Jesu the very thought of Thee
With sweetness fills my breast;
But sweeter far Thy face to see, 
And in Thy presence rest.

Nor voice can sing, nor heart can frame, 
Nor can the memory find,
A sweeter sound than Thy blest Name, 
O Saviour of mankind!

O hope of every contrite heart!
O joy of all the meek!
To those who fall, how kind Thou art!
How good to those who seek!

But what to those who find? ah! this 
Nor tongue nor pen can show:
The love of Jesus, what it is,
None but His lov'd ones know.

Jesu! our only joy be Thou,
As Thou our prize wilt be;
Jesu! be Thou our glory now,
And through eternity.


O Jesu King most wonderful!
Thou Conqueror renown'd!
Thou Sweetness most ineffable!
In whom all joys are found!

When once Thou visitest the heart,
Then truth begins to shine;
Then earthly vanities depart;
Then kindles love divine.

O Jesus Light of all below!
Thou Fount of life and fire!
Surpassing all the joys we know,
All that we can desire:

May every heart confess Thy Name,
And ever Thee adore;
And seeking Thee, itself inflame
To seek Thee more and more.

Thee may our tongues for ever bless;
Thee may we love alone;
For ever in our lives express
The image of Thine own.

V. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
R. From henceforth and for evermore.

Let us pray.
God, who hast appointed Thine only begotten Son the Saviour of mankind, and hast commanded that He should be called Jesus; mercifully grant that we may enjoy the vision of Him in heaven whose holy Name we venerate on earth. Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


This Chaplet, instituted through divine inspiration about the year 1516, by the blessed Michael of Florence, a Camaldolese monk, who used to say it every day until his death, Jan. 11, 1522, is called the Chaplet of our Lord, because it is said in honour of Jesus Christ, and is composed of thirty-three Pater noster’s, in remembrance and veneration of the thirty-three years which he lived on thee earth; to these are added five times Ave Maria in honour of His five most holy wounds; the first three of which are said, one at the beginning of each of the three sets of ten Pater noster's, and of the two remaining, one is said previous to reciting the three concluding Pater noster's, and the other after them. The Chaplet finishes with the Credo in honour of the holy Apostles its composers, and which itself contains an epitome of the Birth, Life, Passion, and Death of our Divine Lord Jesus Christ. Pope Leo X., at the prayer of the above-named blessed Michael, granted by a Bull, dated February 18, 1516, several Indulgences to any one who should keep about him the said Chaplet, or say it. Gregory XIII. did as much by means of a Brief dated Feb. 14, 1573; and Sixtus V. by another Brief, dated Feb. 3, 1589. These Indulgences were all confirmed anew by Clement X., in a special Brief, De salute Dominici gregis, dated July 20, 1674, who also added several more Indulgences, as follows:
i. Indulgence of 200 years every time any one shall say it, being penitent and having confessed, or having at least firmly resolved to confess.
ii. Indulgence of 150 years to any one who, having Confessed and Communicated, shall carry about him one of these Chaplets, and say it every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and. also on au festivals of obligation.
iii. Plenary indulgence once a year on any one day, to any one who, after Confession and Communion, shall have made a practice of saying it at least four times a week.
iv. Plenary indulgence once a month to any one who shall have said it every day for a month, and shall then, bring penitent, after Confession and Communion, pray to God, for the Holy Church, &c.
v. Plenary indulgence to any one who shall die in battle against the infidels, having been previously accustomed to say the said Chaplet three times a week, and having said it on the day of his death, or the day previous to it, provided he be penitent for his sins, and ask pardon of God for them.
vi. Plenary indulgence, and remission of all sins in the article of death, to any one who, being penitent and having confessed, shall then invoke, at least with his heart if he cannot do so with his lips, the most holy Name of Jesus; provided he has said the above-named Chaplet once during his illness with the intention of gaining this Indulgence: in the event of his recovery, he may gain the 200 years indulgence.
vii. Indulgence of twenty days to any one who shall carry about him one of these Chaplets, and invoke the adorable Name of Jesus, after he has made an examination of conscience with contrition for his sins, and said three Pater noster’s and three Ave Maria's for the good estate of the Church.
viii. The indulgence of twenty years to any one who, having examined his conscience and confessed, shall, after his confession, pray to God for the advancement of the Catholic Faith, the extirpation of heresy, and the exaltation of the Holy Church, &c.; and
ix. The indulgence of ten years to any one who, having about him the said Chaplet, shall say three Pater noster's and three Ave Maria’s, as often as he does any spiritual or temporal good work in honour of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, or some saint, or for the good of his neighbour.
x. Any one who keeps one of the said Chaplets about him, if he is wont to practise any exercise customary in any religious order, shall participate in all the good works which are done in the order in whose pious exercises in has made the intention of sharing; if he assist at Holy Mass, he shall, by saying five Pater noster’s and five Ave Maria’s, supply for every defect and distraction which has happened to him through inadvertence in the course of the Mass; moreover, if on days of obligation he has been legitimately hindered from hearing Mass, he shall have the same merit as if he had assisted at it, provided he say the five Pater noster's and five Ave Maria's as above.
xi. Any one out of Rome keeping one of these Chaplets about him, shall, on the days of the Stations, gain the 200 years indulgence on visiting any church he chooses; if hindered from doing so, he shall gain the same indulgence by saying this Chaplet, the seven Pestilential Psalms, with the Litanies and prayers. The same Indulgence in Rome may be gained by any one who, being legitimately hindered from visiting the Church of the Station, shall say the Chaplet and Psalms as above
Pope Benedict XIII. afterwards, by a decree of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, dated April 6, 1727, confirmed all the above Indulgences, and added another -
xii. Plenary indulgence to anyone who, after having Confessed and Communicated, should say this Chaplet on Friday. The plenary indulgence can only be gained on the Fridays in March, and that after the works enjoined above have been fulfilled; as was declared by Pope Leo XII., in a decree of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, dated Aug 11, 1824.
In order to gain the above-named Indulgences, it is necessary that -
1. The Chaplet he blessed by the Reverend Fathers of the Camoldolese order, either hermits or monks, or else by those who have apostolical authority to bless them. Once blessed, they cannot be sold, or lent to others for the purpose of communicating to them the indulgences: in which case they would afterwards be deprived of the Indulgences annexed to them according to the brief of Pope Clement X.
2. Every one saying the Chaplet must, according to his capacity, meditate on the mysteries of the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is not, however, necessary either to read or recite the following short reflections, which are only added for the greater devotion of any one who might wish to make use of them.


Begin with an act of contrition.

First Decade.

The Archangel Gabriel makes known to the Blessed Virgin Mary the Incarnation of the Divine Word in her pure womb.
Ave Maria

1. The Son of God made man is born of Mary the Virgin in a stable.
Pater noster.

2. The Angels rejoice and sing, Gloria in excelsis Deo.
Pater noster.

3. The shepherds hear the Angels' tidings, and come and adore Him.
Pater noster.

4. He is circumcised the eighth day, and called by the most Holy Name of Jesus.
Pater noster.

5. Is adored by the Magi with offerings of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Pater noster.

6. Is presented in the Temple, and foretold to be the Saviour of the world
Pater noster.

7. Flies from the persecution of Herod, and is carried into Egypt.
Pater noster.

8. Herod finds Him not, and murders the Innocents.
Pater noster.

9. He is carried back by Joseph and His Mother into Nazareth his home.
Pater noster.

10. Disputes in the Temple with the doctors, being twelve years old.
Pater noster.

Add the Eternal rest, &c. if said for the departed.

Second Decade.

Jesus is most obedient to the Blessed Virgin His Mother, and to St. Joseph.
Ave Maria.

1. When thirty years old, He is baptized by John in Jordan.
Pater noster.

2. Fasts forty days us the desert, and overcomes the tempter.
Pater noster.

3. Practises and preaches His own holy law, whereby is life eternal
Pater noster.

4. Calls His disciples, who forthwith leave all and follow Him.
Pater noster.

5. Works His first miracle of changing water into wine.
Pater noster.

6. Heals the sick, makes the lame to walk, gives hearing to the deaf, sight to the blind, life to the dead.
Pater noster.

7. Converts sinful men and sinful women, and pardons their sins.
Pater noster.

8. When the Jews persecute Him even unto death, He chastises them not, but sweetly chides them.
Pater noster.

9. Is transfigured on Mount Thabor, in the presence of Peter, James, and John.
Pater noster.

10. Enters triumphant into Jerusalem sitting on an ass's colt, and drives the profaners from the Temple.
Pater noster.

Eternal rest, &c. as above.

Third Decade.

Jesus takes leave of His most holy Mother before He goes to die for our salvation.
Ave Maria

1. Celebrates the Last Paschal Supper, washes the Apostles' feet.
Pater noster.

2. Institutes the most holy Sacrament of the Eucharist.
Pater noster.

3. Prays in the garden, sweats blood, and is comforted by an angel.
Pater noster.

4. Is betrayed by Judas with a kiss, is taken and bound by the officers of justice as a great malefactor.
Pater noster.

5. Is falsely accused, is buffeted and spit upon, and shamefully used before four tribunals.
Pater noster.

6. Looks tenderly on Peter after he had thrice denied Him, and converts Him; whilst Judas despairs, hangs himself, and is lost.
Pater noster.

7. Is cruelly scourged at the pillar, and receives innumerable blows.
Pater noster.

8. Is crowned with thorns, shown to the people, who cry, Crucify Him! crucify Him!
Pater noster.

9. Is condemned to die, carries the heavy cross with grievous pain upon His shoulders to Mount Calvary.
Pater noster.

10. Is crucified between two thieves, dies after three hours' most painful agony, is wounded in the side with a lance, and is buried.
Pater noster.

Eternal rest, &c. as above.

Jesus rises the third day, and visits first of all His most holy Mother, Mary.
Ave Maria.

1. Appears to the three Marys, and bids them tell the disciples they have seen Him risen from the dead.
Pater noster.

2. Appears to the disciples, shows them His most holy Wounds, makes Thomas touch them.
Pater noster.

3. The fortieth day after his resurrection, blesses most holy Mary His Mother and all his disciples then ascends into heaven.
Pater noster.

Let us pray to the most holy Virgin to obtain for us also the blessing of her Divine Son Jesus Christ, now and at the hour of our death. 
Ave Maria.

Eternal rest, &c. as above.

Let us say "I believe," &c. in honour of the holy Apostles.

End with the prayer said to be St. Augustine’s.

Deus, qui pro redemptione mundi voluisti nasci, circumcidi, a Judaeis reprobari, a Juda traditore osculo tradi, vinculis alligari, sicut agnus innocens ad victimam duci, atque conspectibus Annae, Caiphae, Pilati, et Herodis indecenter offerri, a falsis testibus accusari, flagellis et opprobriis vexari, sputis conspui, spinis coronari, colaphis caedi, arundine percuti, facie velari, vestibus exui, cruci clavibus affigi, in cruce levari, inter latrones deputari, felle et aceto potari, et lancea vulnerari: tu Domine, per has sanctissimas poenas tuas, quas ego indignus recolo, et per sanctam crucem et mortem tuam libera me (et hunc famulum tuum .N. agonizantem) a poenis inferni, et perducere digneris, quo perduxisti latronem tecum crucifixum; qui cum Patre et Spiritu Sancto vivis et regnas Deus per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.


Let us pray.
O Lord, who to redeem the world and to free us from the pains of hell, didst vouchsafe to be born amongst men, subject to pain and to death, to be circumcised, rejected, and persecuted by the Jews, betrayed by Thy disciple Judas with a sacrilegious kiss, and as a lamb, gentle and innocent, to he bound with cords, and dragged in scorn before the tribunals of Annas, Caiphas, Pilate, and Herod; who didst suffer Thyself to be accused by false witnesses, torn by scourges, crowned with thorns, smitten with blows, insulted with spittings, to have Thy divine countenance covered out of contempt, to be many ways set at naught and outraged, to be filled with reproaches and ignominies, and, last of all, to be stripped of Thy clothes, nailed to and raised high upon a cross between two notorious thieves, to be drenched with gall and vinegar, and then pierced with a lance, and so to fulfil the mighty work of our redemption: Saviour most tender, by these Thy many cruel sufferings borne by Thee out of Thy love for me, which I, unworthy as I am, yet dare to contemplate, by Thy holy cross, and by Thy bitter death, free me (and this Thy servant *) from the pains of hell and vouchsafe to bring me to Paradise, whither Thou didst lend the penitent thief who was crucified with Thee, my Jesus, who, with the Father and with the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest God for ever and ever. Amen.
(Translation from the Italian version.)

* If said for a soul in its agony.


In order to increase the devotion of the faithful to Jesus and Mary by invoking their most holy Names together with the name of St. Joseph, for the purpose of recommending to them the last moments of this life, on which our eternity depends, Pius VII., by a decree of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, dated April 28, 1807, granted – An indulgence of 300 days to any one, as often as he says decently, and with a contrite heart, the three following ejaculations:

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I offer you my heart and my soul.
Jesus, Mary, Joseph, assist me in my last agony.
Jesus, Mary, Joseph, may I breath forth my soul with you in peace.

If but one of the above is recited, then the same Pope granted to the reciter 100 days indulgence.


At the prayer of the Procurator-General of the Clerks Regular called time Somaschi, the Sovereign Pontiff Pius IX., by two decrees of the S. Congr. of Indulgences; Aug. 11, 1851, and Nov. 29, 1853, granted -
i. Fifty days indulgence every time any one says the following Ejaculation of S. Jerome Emiliani.
ii. A plenary indulgence to any one who says it at least once a day for a year, to be gained once only, on the feast of the saint, July 20, or during its octave, provided that, after Confession and Communion, he visit some church, and pray there according to the intention of his Holiness.

Dulcissime Jesu, ne sis mihi Judex, sed Salvator.
My sweetest Jesus, be not to me a Judge, but a Saviour.



By a Rescript of May 7, 1854, the Sovereign Pontiff Pius IX. granted -
The indulgence of 50 days to all those who shall say in any language the following Ejaculation, or who with a feeling of compunction and gratitude shall exhort others to say it for the good of those who have the care of souls, or who labour for the salvation and sanctification of souls.


Jesus, Deus meus, super omnia amo te.
Jesus, my God, I love Thee above all things.


By a Rescript of Oct. 14, 1859, his Holiness Pope Pius IX. granted -
The indulgence of 300 days to all the faithful who with contrite heart and with devotion shall say the following prayer:


O Jesu, vivens in Maria, veni et vive in famulis tuis, in Spiritu sanctitatis tuae, in plenitudine virtutis
tuae, in veritate virtutum tuarum, in perfectione viarum tuarum, in communione mysteriorum tuorum, dominar omni adversae potestati in Spiritu tuo ad gloriam Patris. Amen.


O Jesus, who dost live in Mary, come and live in Thy servants, in the spirit of Thine own holiness, in the fullness of Thy power, in the reality of Thy virtues, in the perfection of Thy ways, in the communion of Thy mysteries, - have Thou dominion over every adverse power, in Thine own Spirit, to the glory of Thy Father. Amen.


His Holiness Pope Pius IX., by a Rescript of August 14, 1860, granted -
100 days indulgence, to be gained once a day by all those who in Rome or its district say devoutly and with contrite heart the following prayer, in any language, provided the translation be a faithful one.


O bone Jesu! O piissime Jesu! O dulcissime Jesu! O Jesu, Fili Mariae Virginis, plene misericordia et pietate! O dulcis Jesu, secundum magnam misericordiam tuam miserere mei! O clementissimne Jesu! Te deprecor per illum Sanguinem pretiosum quem pro peccatoribns effundere voluisti, ut abluas omnes iniquitates meas, et in me respicias miserum et indignum humiliter venians petentem, et hoc Nomen sanctum Jesu invocantem. O Nomen Jesu, Nomen dulce! Nomen Jesu, Nomeu delectabile! Nomen Jesu, Nomen confortans! Quid est enim Jesus, nisi Salvator? Ergo, Jesu, propter Nomen sanctum tuum esto mihi Jesus, et salva me. Ne permittas me damnari, quem tu de nihilo creasti. O bone Jesu, ne perdat me iniquitas mea, quem fecit Omnipotens bonitas tua! O dulcis Jesu, recognosce quod tuum est, et absterge quod alienum est. O benignissime Jesu, miserere mei, dum tempus est miserendi, ne damnes me in tempore judicandi. Non mortui laudabunt te, Domine Jesu, neque omnes qui descendunt in infernum. O amantissime Jesu! O desideratissime Jesu! O mitissime Jesu! O Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, admitte me intrare in numerum electorum tuorum. O Jesu, salus in te credentium; O Jesu, solatiuin ad te confugientium. O Jesu, Fili Mariae Virginis, infunde in me gratiam, sapientiam, charitatem castitatem et humilitatem, ut possim te perfecte diligere, te laudare, te perfrui, tibi servire, et in te gloriari, et Omnes qui invocant Nomen tuum, quod est Jesus. Amen.


O good Jesu! O most tender Jesu! O most sweet Jesu! O Jesus, Son of Mary the Virgin, full of mercy and kindness! O sweet Jesu, according to Thy great mercy, have pity on me! O most merciful Jesu, I entreat Thee by that precious Blood of Thine, which Thou didst will to pour forth for sinners, to wash away all my iniquities, and to look upon me, poor and unworthy as I am, asking humbly pardon of Thee, and invoking this holy Name of Jesus. O Name of Jesus, sweet Name! Name of Jesus, Name of joy! Name of Jesus, Name of strength! Nay, what meaneth the Name of Jesus but Saviour? Wherefore, O Jesu, by Thine own holy Name, be to me Jesus, and save me. Suffer me not to be lost, - me, whom Thou didst create out of nothing. O good Jesu, let not my iniquity destroy what Thy Almighty goodness made. O sweet Jesu, recognise what is Thine own, and wipe away from me what is not of Thee! O most kind Jesu, have pity on me, while it is the time of pity, and condemn me not when it is the time of judgment. The dead shall not praise Thee, Lord Jesu, nor will those who go down into hell. O most loving Jesus! O Jesu, most longed for by Thine own! O most gentle Jesu! Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, let me enter into the number of Thine elect. O Jesu, salvation of those who believe in Thee. Jesu, consolation of those who fly to Thee. Jesu, Son of Mary the Virgin, pour into me grace, wisdom, charity, chastity, and humility, that I may be able perfectly to love Thee, to praise Thee, to enjoy Thee, to serve Thee, and make my boast in Thee, and that all those who invoke Thy Name, which is Jesus, may join with me in these acts. Amen.

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