23 May 2023

The Raccolta - Section L - St. Joseph


The devotion of the faithful to Jesus and Mary having induced them to honour even their sacred names by reciting certain psalms and hymns, those who have had a devotion to St. Joseph have in like manner desired to honour that glorious patriarch, the adopted father of Jesus, and pure spouse of the ever-Virgin Mary, by saying five psalms, whose initial letters compose the name of Joseph. (F in the Italian standing for PH).
To encourage Christian People to practise this devotion to St. Joseph, thereby to obtain his efficacious protection in life, and still more in death, Pope Pius VII., by a Rescript and subsequent decree of June 26, 1809, issued by his Eminence the Cardinal-Vicar and preserved in his Segretaria, granted -
i. An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines, every time these psalms are said devoutly and with a contrite heart, together with the hymn and prayer proper to the saint.
ii. A plenary indulgence once a month, to all who shall say them daily for a month together, on any one day when, after Confession and Communion, they shall, being truly penitent, pray according to the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
iii. A plenary indulgence on the Feast of the Patronage of St. Joseph (the third Sunday after Easter) was added by Pope Pius VII, by a Rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences of June 13, 1815, in which he also confirmed the above-named Indulgences. This may be gained by the faithful after Confession and Communion on that day, provided that they have said these five psalms frequently in the course of the year.


Ant. Joseph virum Maria, de qua natus est Jesus, qui vocatur Christus.

J. Ps. 99

Jubilate Deo omnis terra: * servite Domino in laetitia.
Introite in conspectu ejus, * in exultatione. 
Scitote, quoniam Dominus ipse est Deus: * ipse fecit nos, et non ipsi nos.
Populus ejus, et oves pascuae ejus: * introite portas ejus in confessione, atria ejus in hymnis; confitemni illi.
Laudate nomen ejus, quoniam suavis est Dominus, in aeternum misericordia ejus: * et usque in generationem et generationem veritas ejus.
Gloria Patri, et Filio, * et Spiritui Sancto.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, * et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. 

Ant. Joseph virum Mariae, de qua natus est Jesus, qui vocatur Christus.

Ant. Joseph de domo David, et nomen Virginis Maria.

O. Ps. 46.

Omnes gentes plaudite manibus: * jubilate Deo in voce exultationis.
Quoniam Dominus excelsus, terribilis, * rex magnus super omnem terram.
Subjecit populos nobis, * et gentes sub pedibus nostris.
Elegit nobis hereditatem suam, * speciem Jacob, quam dilexit.
Ascendit Deus in jubilo, * et Dominus in voce tubae.
Psallite Deo nostro, psallite; * psallite regi nostro, psallite.
Quoniam rex omnis terrae Deus; * psallite sapienter.
Regnabit Deus super gentes; * Deus sedet super sedem sanctam suam.
Principes populorum congregati sunt cum Deo Abraham: * quoniam dii fortes terrae vehementer elevati sunt.
Gloria Patri, et Filio, * et Spiritui Sancto.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, * et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. 

Ant. Joseph de domo David, et nomen Virginis Maria.

Ant. Joseph vir ejus, cum esset justus, et nollet eam traducere.

S. Ps. 128.

Saepe expugnaverunt me a juventute mea: * dicat nunc Israel.
Saepe expugnaverunt me a juventute mea: * etenim non potuerunt mihi.
Supra dorsum meum fabricaverunt peccatores: * prolongaverunt iniquitatem suam.
Dominus justus concidit cervices peccatorum: * confundantur, et convertantur retrorsum omnes, qui oderunt Sion.
Fiant sicut foenum tectorum, * quod priusquam evellatur, exaruit.
De quo non implevit manum suam, qui metit, * et sinum suum, qui manipulos colligit.
Et non dixerunt, qui praeteribant: Benedictio Domini super vos: * benediximus vobis in nomine Domini.
Gloria Patri, et Filio, * et Spiritui Sancto.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, * et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. 

Ant. Joseph vir ejus, cum esset justus, et nollet eam traducere.

Ant. Joseph fili David, noli timere accipere Mariam conjugem tuam.

E. Ps. 80.

Exultate Deo adjutori nostro: * jubilate Deo Jacob.
Sumite psalmum, et date tympanum, * psalterium jucundum cum cithara.
Buccinate in Neomenia tuba, * in insigni die solemnitatis vestrae.
Quia praecptum in Israel est, * et judicium Deo Jacob.
Testimonium in Joscph posuit illud, cum exiret de terra Aegypti: * linguam, quam non noverat, audivit.
Divertit ab oneribus dorsum ejus: * manus ejus in cophino servierunt.
In tribulatione invocasti me, et liberavi te: * exaudivi te in abscondito tempestatis; probavi te apud aquam contradictionis.
Audi populus meus, et contestabor te: * Israel si audieris me, non erit in te deus recens, neque adorabis deum alienum.
Ego enim sum Dominus Deus tuus, qui eduxi te de terra Aegypti: * ditata os tuum, et implebo illud.
Et non audivit populus meus vocem meam: * et Israel non intendit mihi.
Et dimisi eos secundum desideria cordis eorum: * ibunt in adinventionibus suis.
Si populus meus audisset me, * Israel si in viis meis ambulasset
Pro nihilo forsitan inimicos eorum humiliassem: * et super tribulantos eos misissem manum meam.
Inimici Domini mentiti sunt ei: * et erit tempus eorum in saecula.
Et cibavit eos ex adipe frumenti; * et de petra melle saturavit eos.
Gloria Patri, et Filio, * et Spiritui Sancto.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, * et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. 

Ant. Joseph fili David, noli timere accipere Mariam conjugem tuam.

Ant. Joseph exurgens a somno fecit, sicut praecepit ei angelus.

PH. Ps. 86.

Fundamenta ejus in montibus sanctis: * diligit Dominus portas Sion super omnia tabernacula Jacob.
Gloriosa dicta sunt de te: * civitas Dei.
Memor ero Rahab, et Babylonis: * scientium me.
Ecce alienigenae, et Tyrus, et populus Aethiopum: * hi fuerunt illic.
Numquid Sion dicet: Homo, et homo natus est in ea: * et ipse fundavit eam Altissimus?
Dominus narrabit in scripturis populorum, et principum: * horum, qui fuerunt in ea.
Sicut laetantium omnium: * habitatio est in te.
Gloria Patri, et Filio, * et Spiritui Sancto.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, * et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. 

Ant. Joseph exurgens a somno fecit, sicut praecepit ei angelus.

V. Constituit eum dominum domus sui.
R. Et principem omnis possessionis sui.

Deus, qui ineffabili providentia beatum Joseph sacratissimae Genitricis tuae sponsum eligere dignatus es; praesta quaesumus, ut quem protectorem veneramur in terris, intercessorem habere mereamur in coelis. Qui vivis et regnas, &c.

V. He made him lord over His house.
R. And prince of all that was His.

Let us pray.
O God, who in Thine ineffable providence didst vouchsafe to choose blessed Joseph to be the husband of Thy most holy Mother; grant, we beseech Thee, that we may have him for our intercessor in heaven, whom on earth we venerate as our holy protector. Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.


Dei qui gratiam impotes,
Coelestium dona expetunt,
Josephi nomen invocent,
Opemque poscant supplices.

Joseph vocato nomine
Deus adest petentibus,
Auget piis justitiam,
Culpamque delet impiis.

Josephi piis quaerentibus 
Dantur beata munera,
Datur palma victoriae
Agonis in certamine.

Amplexus inter Virginis,
Castaeque prolis placido
Vitam sopore deserens,
Morientium fit regula.

Illo nihil potentius,
Cujus parentem nutibus,
Et subditum inuperiis
Deum viderunt Angeli.

Illo nihil perfectius,
Qui sponsus almae Virginis
Electus est, Altissimi
Custos parensque creditus.

O ter beata et amplius
Honor sit tibi, Trinitas,
Pater, Verbumque, et Spiritus,
Sanctoque Joseph nomini. Amen.

Ant. Adjutor est in tribulationibus, et protector omnibus beatus Joseph nomen suum pie invocantibus.

V. Sit nomen beati Josephi benedictum.
R. Ex hoc nunc et usque in saeculum.

Deus, qui mirabilis in sanctis tuis, mirabilior in beato Josepho, eum coelestium dononum disponsatorem super familiam tuam constituisti; praesta quaesumus, ut cujus nomen devoti veneramur, ejus precibus et meritis adjuti ab portum salutis feliciter perveniamus. Per Dominum, &c.


Seek ye the grace of God,
And mercies from on high?
Invoke St. Joseph's holy name,
And on his aid rely.

So shall the Lord well-pleas'd
Your earnest prayer fulfil;
The guilty cleanse from guilt, and make
The holy holier still.

So shall his tender care
To you through life be nigh;
So shall his love with triumph crown
Your dying agony.

Lock'd in the Virgin's arms
Of Mary and her Son;-
Embracing each in speechless joy
And sweetest union.

O Joseph, in what peace
Was breath'd thy latest sigh!
Dear pattern of all those to come
Who should in Jesus die.

Hail, mightiest of saints!
To whom submissive bent
He whose Creator-hand outstretch'd
The starry firmament.

Hail, Mary's spouse elect!
Hail, guardian of the Word!
Nurse of the Highest, and esteem'd
The father of the Lord!

Blest Trinity to Thee,
From all in earth, in heaven,
And to St. Joseph's holy name,
Be praise and honour given.

Ant. Blessed Joseph is the helper in troubles and protector of all who piously call upon his name.

V. Blessed be the name of Joseph.
R. Henceforth and evermore.

Let us pray.
O God, wonderful in Thy saints, and more wonderful in blessed Joseph, who hast made him dispenser of heavenly gifts over Thy family; grant, we beseech Thee, that we who devoutly venerate his name on earth may, through the assistance of his prayers and merits, happily attain unto the haven of salvation. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


Pope Pius VII., by a Rescript of Sept. 6, 1804, given through his Eminence the Cardinal-Vicar, and kept in his Segretaria, granted -
An indulgence of one year to all the faithful in the whole Catholic world, every time that with contrite heart and devoutly they say the following Responsorium in honour of the glorious Patriarch St. Joseph, to implore his efficacious protection in life and in death:


Quicumque sanus vivere,
Cursumque vitae claudere
In fine laetus expetit,
Opem Josephi postulet.

Hic sponsus almae Virginis,
Paterque Jesu creditus,
Justus, fidelis, integer,
Quod poscit, orans impetrat.
Quicumque &c.

Foeno jacentem parvulum
Adorat, et post exulem
Solatur; inde perditum
Quaerit dolens, et invenit.
Quicumque &c.

Mundi supremus artifex
Ejus labore pascitur,
Summi Parentis Filius
Obedit illi subditus.
Quicumque, &c.

Adesse morti proximus
Cum Matre Jesu conspicit,
Et inter ipsos jubilans
Dulci sopore solvitur.
Quicumque, &c.

Gloria Patri, et Filio, ct Spiritui Sancto, &c. 
Quicumque, &c.

Ant. Ecce fidelis servus, et prudeius, quem constituit Dominus super familiam suam.

V. Ora pro nobis, sancte Joseph.
R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.

Deus, qui ineffabili providentia beatum Joseph sacratissimae Genitricis tuae sponsum eligere dignatus es; praesta quaesumus, ut quem protectorem veneramur in terris, intercessorem habere mereamur in coelis. Qui vivis et regnas, &c.



To all who would holily live,
To all who would happily die,
St. Joseph is ready to give
Sure guidance, and help from on high.

Of Mary the spouse undefil'd,
Just, holy, and pure of all stain,
He asks of his own foster Child;
And needs but ask to obtain.

Here the first stanza is repeated:
To all who would holily live,
To all who would happily die,
St. Joseph is ready to give
Sure guidance, and help from on high

In the manger that Child he ador'd,
And nurs'd Him in exile and flight;
Him, lost in His boyhood, deplor'd,
And found with amaze and delight.
To all, &c.

The Maker of heaven and earth
By the labour of Joseph was fed;
The Son of an infinite birth
Submissive to Joseph was made.
To all, &c.

And when his last hour drew nigh, 
O, full of all joy was his breast;
Seeing Jesus and Mary close by,
As he tranquilly slumber'd to rest.
To all, &c.

All praise to the Father above;
All praise to the glorious Son;
All praise to the Spirit of love,
While the days of eternity run.
To all, &c.

Ant. Behold the faithful and prudent servant whom the Lord set over His house.

V. Pray for us, Holy Joseph.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray.
O God, who in Thine ineffable providence didst vouchsafe to choose blessed Joseph to be the husband of Thy most holy Mother; grant, we beseech Thee, that we may have him for our intercessor in heaven, whom on earth we venerate as our holy protector. Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.


The same Pope Pius VIII., by a Rescript of Dec. 9, 1819, issued through his Eminence the Cardinal-Vicar, and kept in the Segretaria of his court, granted -
i. An indulgence of 100 days, once a day, to all the faithful who with contrite heart practise the following devotion in honour of the Seven Sorrows and Seven Joys of the glorious Patriarch St. Joseph.
ii. An indulgence of 300 days, every Wednesday in the year, and every day of the two Novenas preceding the two feasts of St. Joseph, i.e. his principal feast, March 19, and the feast of his Patronage, third Sunday after Easter.
iii. A plenary indulgence, on each of these two feasts, to such as, after Confession and Communion, shall say the prayers.
iv. A plenary indulgence once a month to all who say these prayers daily for a month, on any one day in the month when, after confession and Communion, they shall pray according to the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
Pope Gregory XVI, of holy memory, granted farther Indulgences to all the faithful who say the prayers on any seven consecutive Sundays in the year, sic. -
v. A 300 days indulgence on each of these Sundays, and -
vi. A Plenary indulgence on the seventh, after confession, communion. and prayers for the Sovereign Pontiff. Vide Rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, Jan 22, 1836.
In addition to this grant, his Holiness Pope Pius IX., by two decrees of the S. Cong. of Indulgences, Feb. 1 and March 22, 1847, after confirming the above, granted -
vii. A Plenary indulgence, on each of the seven Sundays kept as above in honour of the holy Patriarch St Joseph, at any time in the year whatever, provided only they be kept consecutively, and provided also the usual conditions are observed of Confession, Communion, visit to a church, and prayer according to the mind of his Holiness. The same Indulgence is also granted by him to the poor and illiterate, wherever this devotion is not publicly practised, provided only they say seven Pater noster's, seven Ave Maria's, and seven Gloria Patri's, instead of the prayers above enjoined, and provided also they fulfil the other prescribed conditions.


i. St. Joseph, pure spouse of most holy Mary, the trouble and anguish of thy heart were great, when, being in sore perplexity, thou wast minded to put away thy stainless spouse: but this joy was inexpressible when the archangel revealed to thee the high mystery of the Incarnation.
By this thy sorrow and thy joy, we pray thee comfort our souls now and in their last pains with the consolation of a well-spent life, and a holy death like unto thine own, with Jesus and Mary at our side.
Pater, Ave, and Gloria.

ii. St. Joseph, Blessed Patriarch, chosen to the office of Father of the Word made Man, the pain was keen that thou didst feel when thou didst see the Infant Jesus born in abject poverty; but thy pain was changed into heavenly joy when thou didst hear the harmony of angel-choirs, and behold the glory of that night when Jesus was born.
By this thy sorrow and thy joy, we pray thee obtain for us, that, when the journey of our life is ended, we too may pass to that blessed land where we shall hear the angel-chants, and rejoice in the bright light of heavenly glory.
Pater, Ave, and Gloria.

iii. St. Joseph, who wast ever most obedient in executing the law of God, thy heart was pierced with pain when the Precious Blood of the Infant Saviour was shed at His Circumcision; but with the Name of Jesus new life and heavenly joy returned to thee.
By this thy sorrow and thy joy, obtain for us, that, being freed in our life from every vice, we too may cheerfully die, with the sweet Name of Jesus in our hearts and on our lips.
Pater, Ave, and Gloria.

iv. St. Joseph, faithful Saint, who wast admitted to take part in the redemption of man; the prophecy of Simeon foretelling the sufferings of Jesus and Mary caused thee a pang like that of death; but at the same time his prediction of the salvation and glorious resurrection of innumerable souls filled thee with a blessed joy.
By this thy sorrow and thy joy, help us with thy prayers to be of the number of those who, by the merits of Jesus and his Virgin Mother, shall be partakers of the resurrection to glory.
Pater, Ave, and Gloria.

v. St. Joseph, watchful Guardian, friend of the Incarnate Son of God, truly thou didst greatly toil to nurture and to serve the Son of the Most High, especially in the flight thou madest with Him unto Egypt; yet didst thou rejoice to have God Himself always with thee, and to see the overthrow of the idols of Egypt.
By this thy sorrow and thy joy, obtain for us grace to keep far out of the reach of the enemy of our souls, by quitting all dangerous occasions, that so no idol of earthly affection may any longer occupy a place in our hearts, but that, being entirely devoted to the service of Jesus and Mary, we may live and die for them alone.
Pater, Ave, and Gloria.

vi. St. Joseph, angel on earth, who didst so wonder to see the King of heaven obedient to thy bidding, the consolation thou hadst at His return was disturbed by the fear of Archelaus, but nevertheless, being reassured by the angel, thou didst go back and dwell happily at Nazareth, in the company of Jesus and of Mary.
By this thy sorrow and thy joy, obtain for us, that, having our hearts freed from idle fears, we may enjoy the peace of a tranquil conscience, dwelling safely with Jesus and Mary, and dying at last between them.
Pater, Ave, and Gloria.

vii. St. Joseph, example of all holy living, when, though without blame, thou didst lose Jesus, the Holy Child, thou didst search for Him for three long days in great sorrow, until with joy unspeakable thou didst find him, who was as thy life to thee, amidst the doctors in this Temple.
By this thy sorrow and thy joy, we pray thee with our whole heart so to interpose always in our behalf, that we may never lose Jesus by mortal sin; and if (which God avert) we are at any time so wretched as to do so, that we pray thee to aid us to seek Him with such ceaseless sorrow until we find Him, particularly in the hour of our death, that we may pass from this life to enjoy Him for ever in heaven, there to sing with thee His divine mercies without end.
Pater, Ave, and Gloria.

Ant. Ipse Jesus erat incipiens quasi annorum triginta, ut putabatur filius Joseph.

V. Ora pro nobis, sancte Joseph.
R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.

Deus, qui ineffabili providentia beatum Joseph sanctissimae Genitricis tuae sponsum eligere dignatus es; praesta quaesumus, ut quem protectorem veneramur in terris, intercessorem habere mereamur in coelis. Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum. R. Amen.

Ant. Jesus Himself was about thirty years old, being, as was supposed, the son of Joseph.

V. Pray for us, holy Joseph.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray.
O God, who in Thine ineffable providence didst vouchsafe to choose blessed Joseph to be the husband of Thy most holy Mother; grant, we beseech Thee, that we may have him for our intercessor in heaven, whom on earth we venerate as our holy protector. Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.


Pope Pius VII., by a Rescript of Sept. 23, 1802, issued through his Eminence the Cardinal-Vicar, and kept in his Segretaria, granted to all priests, secular and regular -
An indulgence of one year each time they say with devotion tine following prayer to St. Joseph.

The other prayer, "O felicem virum," with the indulgence, to be said by priests before saying Mass, is to be found above.


Virginum custos, et pater Sancte Joseph, cujus fideli custodiae ipsa innocentia Christus Jesus, et Virgo virginum Maria commissa fuit; te per hoc utrumque carissimum pignus Jesum et Mariam, obsecro, et obtestor, ut me ab omni immunditia preservatum, mente incontaminata, puro corde et casto corpore Jesu et Marae semper facias castissime famulari.  R Amen.


Guardian of virgins, and holy father Joseph, to whose faithful custody Christ Jesus, Innocence itself, and Mary, Virgin of virgins, were committed; I pray much beseech thee by these dear pledges, Jesus and Mary, that being preserved from all uncleanness, I may with spotless mind, pure heart, and chaste body, ever most chastely serve Jesus and Mary all the days of my life. Amen.

For the Ejaculatory Prayers, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, &c. and the Indulgences attached to them, see above.



By a Rescript of June 12, 1855, his Holiness Pope Pius IX. granted -
The plenary indulgence to all the faithful who shall have dedicated the whole month of March to the glorious patriarch St. Joseph, on condition of their making use of the pious devotions and meditations which are found collected in a little book on sale at the publisher’s, No. 153 Piazza di S. Ignazio, printed in 1855 (in which book is transcribed the Rescript of the grant), provided that, being truly penitent, they shall, after Confession and Communion, pray according to the mind of the Sovereign Pontiff. He granted also a partial indulgence of 300 days every time that they practise this pious exercise. He granted, moreover, the same indulgences to those of the faithful who, being lawfully hindered during the month of March, shall dedicate some other month to the honour of the same glorious patriarch, making use of the above-named little book.
His Holiness Pope Pius IX,, by a decree, Urbis et Orbis, of the Holy Congregation of Indulgences of April 27, 1865, extended this Indulgence to any devotional exercise which shall be made every day in the month of March in honour of St. Joseph, just as in the case of the pious exercise in the month of May in honour of most Holy Mary.


His Holiness Pope Pius IX., by a Rescript of Jan. 20, 1856, which is kept in the Secretary’s office of the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda, vouchsafed to approve the following practice, and to enrich it with various indulgences; as,
i. Plenary indulgence on the day of enrolment, on any day selected to be kept holy once in the year, and in articulo mortis.
ii. Plenary indulgence on March 19, on the Feast of the Patronage of St. Joseph; on Jan. 23, the Feast of the Espousals of most Holy Mary; and on all the Feasts of Obligation of our Lady. (The Feasts meant are the Feast of the Purification, Annunciation, Assumption. Nativity, and Immaculate Conception of our Lady. In England, the Assumption only is of obligation.)
iii. The indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines every day on which any of the things prescribed below are performed.
By another Brief of July 5, 1861, the same Sovereign Pontiff approved afresh of the pious exercise, or cultus perpetuus, in honour of St. Joseph, in favour of all the faithful in the Catholic world; and whilst he confirmed the above-named indulgences, he added the Plenary Indulgence for any one day in each month, to be chosen at the pleasure of the members enrolled.


This devout exercise consists in each one of the associated selecting one day of the year, or else day of each month, at pleasure, in order to consecrate it, by different acts of piety, to the special honour of St. Joseph; and it is called perpetual, because if as many persons as there are days in the year, or as there are days in the month, agree together each to select his own one particular different day in order to dedicate it to St. Joseph, there will be an uninterrupted series of special venerators of the holy patriarch. And still greater amid more continuous will be the cultus in proportion as the number of persons who adopt this exercise becomes greater.

The Exercise is as follows:

N. N., a devout client of St. Joseph, is invited to honour him with a special cultus on one day at pleasure in the year, and on one day in each month, thereby to console him in those afflictions of his, of which our sins were the cause. For this object he will take care to perform the following practices with the greater diligence and fervour:
i. To approach the holy Sacraments, - i.e. of Confession and Communion, - and, if unable to do so, to supply for their omission with an act of contrition, and with a spiritual communion.
ii. To assist at Holy Mass with special devotion, in memory of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.
iii. To make one quarter of an hour's meditation on the afflictions of St. Joseph.
iv. To keep himself recollected in soul, and to pass the day in union with St. Joseph,
v. To do some act of mortification, or some work of spiritual or corporal mercy.
vi. To say seven Paters, Aves, and Glorias in honour of his afflictions and his joys.
vii. To finish the day with a visit to the Blessed Sacrament, and with an offering of the heart to St. Joseph.
Whosoever consoles St. Joseph in life shall be aided by him in death.


By a Brief of Jan. 27, 1863, the Sovereign Pontiff Pius IX. granted to all the faithful, collectively and individually, who are enrolled in the Pious Exercise of the Cultus Perpetuus in honour of St. Joseph -
50 days indulgence every time that with contrite hearts and devotion they shall say, in any language, the following ejaculation.


Alme Joseph, dux noster, nos et sanctam Ecclesiam protege.
Foster-father Joseph, our guide, protect us and the holy Church.


By a Brief of Feb. 3, 1863, the Sovereign Pontiff Pius IX. granted to all the faithful who, with contrite hearts and devotion, shall say the following prayer in honour of St. Joseph, in any language, provided the translation be a faithful one -
100 days indulgence, to be gained once a day.


O glorious St. Joseph, father and protector of virgins, faithful guide, to whom God intrusted Jesus, very innocence, and Mary, Virgin of virgins; by this twofold deposit to thee so dear, make it thy care that I, preserved from every defilement, pure in heart and chaste, may serve with constancy Jesus and Mary in perfect chastity. Amen.


By a Brief of June 26, 1863, the Sovereign Pontiff Pius IX. granted -
300 days indulgence, to be gained once a day, to all the faithful who, with contrite hearts and devotion, shall say the following prayer.


Remember, most pure husband of Mary ever-Virgin, my loving protector Joseph, that never hath it been heard that any one invoked thy protection or asked aid of thee who has not been consoled. In this confidence I come before thee, I fervently recommend myself to thee. Despise not my prayer, reputed father of the Saviour of men, but do thou in thy pity receive it. Amen.

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