05 May 2023

"SatanCon" & Bishop Tobin | 2 Futures for the West

I can't format the video of John-Henry Weston discussing this, but it is available at the link. The Satanists don't yet have a VA gravestone marker, but give them time.

From Faith & Reason

The city of Boston was stormed by Satanists during the 2023 annual event, “SatanCon.” The New World Order is creating its own anti-Christian One World Religion — becoming more obvious with the promotion of Satanism, abortion, the LGBT agenda, and destruction. However, faithful Catholics responded to “SatanCon” in Boston by organizing rosary rallies, holding adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and peaceful protests. The fight against open Satanism and “SatanCon” is now in the open. Satan’s influence is infiltrating every institution of society—including schools, politics, and even the Catholic Church. 

In fact, Pope Francis quickly accepted Bishop Thomas Tobin’s resignation upon Bishop Tobin’s mandatory retirement due to age. Bishop Tobin piously lead the Diocese of Providence in Rhode Island from 2005 to 2023 as a pro-life champion in the Catholic Church. Bishop Tobin fearlessly proclaimed the Gospel in the face of the LGBT agenda, showing faithful Catholics by his powerful pro-life witness how to respond to pro-abortion activists. Bishop Tobin demonstrated that the Culture of Life will never back down. 

Now, with Bishop Tobin officially retired, the progressive culture of death may gain yet another foothold against the Culture of Life. Abortion, euthanasia, and the LGBT agenda are gaining ground in our fight to build a Culture of Life. What can devout Catholics and pro-life activists do now? Join John-Henry Westen, Liz Yore, and Fr. James Altman in this latest installment of Faith and Reason for new and urgent ways to save and promote the Culture of Life.

To express your prayerful support for Bishop Tobin, visit: https://lifepetitions.com/petition/bishop-tobin

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