09 May 2023

Canadian Catholic School Board Trustee Called Out for Posting Third 'Racist Anti-Christian' Tweet

In Ontario, Catholic schools re taxpayer-funded and the school boards are elected by Catholic voters, so this racist anti-Catholic was elected by 'Catholics'.

From LifeSiteNews

By Clare Marie Merkowsky

'It's abundantly clear she didn't just make a mistake in the heat of the moment. Rather, it's clear that racist hate lives loudly inside Wendy Ashby,' Campaign Life Coalition's Jack Fonseca said.

Waterloo Catholic District School Board (WCDSB) trustee Wendy Ashby mocked Christian values in a 2022 tweet uncovered by Campaign Life Coalition (CLC).

The Canadian pro-life organization’s Jack Fonseca posted a “vile tweet” from Ashby, whom parents have been calling on WCDSB to fire after the publication of her “racist anti-Christian” tweets.

“Third vile tweet uncovered!” Fonseca tweeted this morning. “What was WCDSB Trustee Wendy Ashby’s reaction upon learning from another trustee that the CRT (Critical Race Theory) being taught in schools was making children ashamed to be white? She mocked them and their parents.”

In 2022, Ashby tweeted in response to WCDSB Trustee for Cambridge Cindy Watson’s concern over CRT being taught in schools, saying, “I can’t believe these people are running for trustee. Do better Waterloo Public voters.”

“When random parents share with me that their children are ashamed to be white, I know education has gone sideways,” Watson had tweeted.

Watson spoke to LifeSiteNews, revealing that she has “heard numerous complaints from parents and staff (…) upset because they believe that the tenants of Critical Race Theory are being taught.”

According to Watson, CRT puts children in two categories: “the oppressed and the oppressor, the victim and the victimizer.” Parents and teachers are concerned this “doesn’t unify children.”

“There’s a focus on identity politics and ideology which causes confusion, and parents are feeling that academic achievement is suffering,” she added.

Fonseca also spoke to LifeSiteNews regarding Ashby’s tweet, saying, “Not one. Not two. But three hateful statements against a particular skin color have now surfaced from Wendy Ashby.”

“It’s abundantly clear she didn’t just make a mistake in the heat of the moment,” he continued. “Rather, it’s clear that racist hate lives loudly inside Wendy Ashby.”

“In some ways, this tweet may be even worse than the two previous ones because it demonstrates a shocking level of malice towards students who happen to have white skin,” Fonseca added.

“I’ve heard parents say that a large segment of the student population is unsafe with Ashby in a position of legislative power at the Waterloo Catholic School Board, and now I have to agree with them. Ashby must resign or be fired, immediately,” he urged.

According to Fonseca, this is the third of Ashby’s anti-Christian tweets to surface in recent weeks. In the first tweet to catch public attention, Ashby wrote, “The most dangerous creature on the planet is the white Christian male,” adding, “They’re a threat to anyone that is not them.”

In response, CLC launched an online petition breaking down Ashby’s remarks and demanding her immediate removal from the Waterloo School Board.

In the now-viral video posted to Twitter by CLC, Rebel News reporter David Menzies can be seen asking WCDSB chair Tracey Weiler about tweets made by Ashby. However, members of the board remained silent and fled the room to avoid further questions.

After the publication of the video, WCDSB banned Campaign Life Coalition and Rebel News from future WCDSB meetings.

Ashby’s tweets do not seem to be out of line with the ideology being taught at WCDSB. A school survey privately sent to LifeSiteNews asks students what gender they identify with while providing “trans female,” “trans male,” and “two-spirited” as options.

“This survey is completely inappropriate and dangerous, both spiritually and medically,” Fonseca told LifeSiteNews. “Especially for a Catholic school board which is supposed to function as a branch of the Catholic Church, with the primary purpose (along with basic academics) to form children into devout, Bible-believing followers of Jesus Christ.”

CLC encourages its pro-family base to “put pressure on the individual WCDSB trustees to censure Ashby over her anti-Christian hate mongering” and has supplied a list of the elected trustees and their contact information:

Cambridge / North Dumfries

David Guerin
(519) 578-3660 Ext. 2162

Marisa Phillips
(519) 578-3660 Ext. 2166

Bob Sikora
(519) 578-3660 Ext. 2164

Kitchener / Wilmot

Kathy Doherty-Masters
(Vice-Chair of the Board)
(519) 578-3660 Ext. 2156

Renee Kraft

Tracey Weiler
(Chair of the Board)
519-578-3677 Ext. 2131

Waterloo / Wellesley / Woolwich

Sally Fuentes
(519) 578-3660 Ext. 2158

Linda Cuff
(519) 578-3660 Ext. 2168

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