10 May 2023

11 May, The Roman Martyrology

Quinto Idus Maii Luna vicésima prima Anno Dómini 2023

On the morrow we keep the feast of the holy Pope of Rome, Pius, fifth of that name, a Friar Preacher, of whom mention is made upon the 5th day of this present month. He toiled manfully and hopefully for the restoration of the discipline of the Church, for the extirpation of heresies, and for the defeat of the enemies of the Christian name, and ruled the Catholic Church in holiness of life and government.
May 11th 2023, the 21st day of the Moon, were born into the better life:

The blessed Apostles Philip and James. Philip brought nearly all Scythia to believe in Christ, but in the end, at the city of Hierapolis, in Asia, was fastened to a cross and stoned, and so fell asleep gloriously, [in the year 61.] James, who is written of as the brother of the Lord, and was the first Bishop of Jerusalem, was cast down from a pinnacle of the temple, whereby his legs were broken, and he was slain by a blow upon the head from a fuller's pole, and buried there not far from the temple.
At Rome, upon the Salarian Way, the blessed Priest Anthimus. After he had done excellently well in power and preaching, he was thrown into the Tiber during the persecution under Diocletian, and thence delivered by an angel, who brought him back to his own oratory but he was lastly beheaded, and so passed into heaven as a conqueror.
Upon the same day, the holy martyr Evellius. He was one of Nero's household, who believed on Christ on seeing the passion of the holy martyr Torpes, and was therefore beheaded.
Also at Rome, the holy martyrs Maximus, Bassus, and Fabius, who were killed upon the Salarian Way, in the persecution under Diocletian.
At Camarino, the holy martyrs Anastasius and his Companions, who were put to death under Antiochus the President, in the persecution under Decius.
At Osimo, in Picenum, the holy martyrs Sisinnius the Deacon, Diocletius, and Florence, disciples of the holy Priest Anthimus, who finished their testimony by being stoned to death, in the persecution under Diocletian.
At Varennes, [in the eighth century,] the holy martyr Gangulph.
At Vienne, [toward the end of the fifth century,] the holy Mamertus, Bishop [of that see,] who, on account of a threatening volcanic eruption, instituted in that city the solemn Rogation processions upon the three days before the Ascension of the Lord, the which custom the Universal Church hath since approved by adopting it.
At Sauvigny, [in the year 994,] deceased holy Majolus, Abbot of Cluny, whose life was illustrious for holy and worthy deeds.
At the town now called San Severino, in Picenum, the holy Confessor Illuminatus.
In the town of Grotaglia, in the Diocese of Taranto, [in the year 1716,] the holy Confessor Francis di Girolamo, of the Society of Jesus, an example of singular love and patience in seeking the salvation of souls. Pope Gregory XVI enrolled his name with those of the Saints. His burial is commemorated with great solemnity in the church of the Professed House of his Order at Naples, where his body lieth.
V. And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.

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