10 March 2022

I Am an Out, Loud, and Proud 'Culturalist'

Many years ago, I had a correspondence with an unreconstructed Nazi. Not a 'neo-Nazi', but a proud German veteran of the Wehrmacht. He had founded an organisation called the 'World Union of Europeans'. 

I was very active at the time in the Integralist Monarchist movement, writing and speaking wherever I could find the opportunity. I was even publishing a little 'samizdat' called The Ultra Review, which took its name from the 'Ultras' in the reign of STCM Louis XVIII who were said to be 'more royalist than the King'.

I came to this fellow's attention and he made the same mistake most leftists do, of assuming that Integralism, political or religious, is Nazi/fascist. He contacted me to try to convince me to join or cooperate with his 'World Union of Europeans'. After reading the material he had sent me, I realised that he was, indeed, a Nazi, with all of the what we would now call 'identity politics' of the Nazi racial policies.

I wrote back pointing this out and declining to become involved. He replied accusing me of being 'afraid I'd be called a 'racist'. I answered in turn, saying that I had been called a racist and worse, without it bothering me and explaining my position, a position I still hold today, 45 years later.

I said, that to him, an Albanian Muslim who slaughters his sacrificial goat in the living room of his house is a 'European', by virtue of his race. To me, he is a follower of an alien, Asiatic religion and an enemy of the culture and civilisation I love who does not, in any way, qualify as a 'European'.

On the other hand, I explained that, to me, a man born in the former French Colonial Empire in Africa, of black African parentage, raised speaking French, educated in a Francophone collège and lycée, with a grounding in the Classics, who attends the Traditional Latin Mass, is a European, regardless of his racial and ethnic identity.

In the last analysis, I don't give a damn about a man's ethnicity, skin colour, or genetic makeup, but I am absolutely convinced that the Græco-Roman Catholic culture and civilisation to which we are heirs (and is under attack today) is the best man has achieved in history.

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