01 May 2020

Democrat Party Kicks Out 26-Year State Legislator Because He’s Pro-Life on Abortion

There is a very good reason I refer to them as the Party of Death and here's an excellent example!

From LifeNews

By Steven Ertelt

When Democrats say there’s no room for pro-life people in the Democrat partythey really mean it. And Democrats in the state of Tennessee literally just removed a 26-year state legislator from the August primary ballot because he’s pro-life on abortion.
The Tennessee Democratic Party voted Wednesday to remove state Rep. John DeBerry from the August 6th primary ballot. Deberry represents District 90 and is from Memphis. But he can no longer represent the party before voters because he doesn’t stand for the “value” of killing babies in abortions. And the vote wasn’t even close — as the radical abortion activists who run the Democrat Party voted 41-18 to kick him out.
Tennessee Democratic Party chair Mary Mancini said it was standard procedure for the State Democratic Primary Board to vote on challenges to candidates appearing on the ballot.
“After a long meeting in which we heard challenges and evidence, we did what we thought was best to protect the Tennessee Democratic Party and the values we stand for,” Mancini said.
The former Democrat didn’t mince words in a statement issued after the vote.
“The Tennessee Democratic Party has decided that a 26-year Representative that spent 12 years as a committee chairman, conducted himself with integrity, served the party well, sponsored meaningful legislation and built bridges across the aisle to get bills passed is no longer a Democrat. And so, I’m not,” he said.
When it came to abortion, DeBerry had a very clear pro-life position and said people need to take more “personal responsibility” for their actions instead of getting elective abortions. And he voted for the heartbeat bill banning abortions on babies whose hearts have begun to beat.
“This was the first chance in 25 years that I had to go on record and say I disagree with abortion,” said DeBerry, D-Memphis.
But DeBerry, who said he has not received criticism from fellow Democrats about his vote, believes that women could be taking more initiative to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
“I choose my battles, and I choose to give girls self esteem, self worth, to where they don’t feel that their bodies are just a vessel for somebody to play with and they don’t get themselves in that position,” DeBerry said.
“I think that’s what’s being lost. Personal responsibility, pride, self esteem — it makes a person walk away from those situations that get them in this position. Because the woman ultimately has to bear the burden,” he said. “The man walks away. The woman has to deal with it for the next nine months.”
DeBerry, an ordained Church of Christ minister, said he has “stood against abortion consistently” since the 1970s. His father, who also was a preacher, spoke out against it too, DeBerry said.

Deberry can continue speaking out against abortion, but he will have to do so without being a Democrat.

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