02 May 2020

2 May, Antonio, Cardinal Bacci: Meditations For Each Day

The Intercession of Our Lady

1. Mary's intercession is very powerful with God. St. Bernard tells us that it is the will of God that everything comes to us through her holy hands. (Sermo in Nativ. B.M.V., n. 7) He assures us that Mary is the Mediatrix through whom we receive all favours from God. (In Assump. B.M.V. sermo 2, n.2) Her power of intercession is the result of her divine and human motherhood. Because she is the Mother of God, Jesus refuses her nothing; because she is our mother, she loves us dearly and is eager to obtain from God the spiritual favours for which we ask. For this reason we should approach her with complete confidence. St. Bernard also writes: “If anyone feels that he is overwhelmed by the tempests of this world and cannot keep an even course, let him raise his eyes towards Mary... let him think of Mary... let him call upon Mary... In danger and in doubt let him remember Mary and call upon her. Let the thought of Mary never leave his mind; let her name be always on his lips...” (Super Miss. Homil., 2, n. 17) In all our necessities we should have confident recourse to our heavenly Mother. Let us remember, however, that if we wish to be true sons of Mary and to be sure of being heard by her, we should ask especially for spiritual graces. Afterwards we can ask, with equal confidence but with resignation to God's will, for temporal favours, provided that they will not stand in the way of our eternal salvation.

2. There is a passage in the Gospel which illustrates in outstanding fashion Mary's great power of intercession. St. John relates (Cf. John 2:I-II) that, along with Mary and the Apostles, Jesus took part in a wedding celebration in Cana of Galilee. During the banquet the wine ran short. Mary realised how embarrassing this would be for the young couple and took pity on them. She said to Jesus in a tone of request: “They have no wine.” But Jesus seemed quite indifferent to her appeal. “What wouldst thou have me do, woman?” he said, “My hour has not yet come.” One would have imagined from the coolness of this reply that it would have been useless to press the matter any further. Mary, on the other hand, was sure that Jesus would not refuse the favour which she asked. She turned without any hesitation to the attendants and directed them: “Do whatever he tells you.” As if disarmed by his Mother's trustfulness, Jesus then worked His first miracle through her intercession. When we pray, we should do so with the same confidence, and we shall certainly be answered. Remember Mary's words, however. “Do whatever he tells you.” We must do whatever Jesus tells us if we want Mary to listen to us and to work in us the miracle of our sanctification. If we desire to be true sons of Mary, her advice to us is to carry out the commands of Jesus Christ.

3. Holy Mary, my loving Mother, hear my supplications and obtain for me from your divine Son all the graces of which I am in need. Obtain for me most of all the grace to become holy. Grant that I may do always and in all circumstances whatever Jesus tells me to do. Grant that my will may be in harmony with His most holy will and that my actions may be in accordance with His divine commandments. Amen.

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