09 May 2020

10 May, The Roman Martyrology

Sexto Idus Maii Luna septima decima Anno Domini 2020

On the morrow we keep the feast of the holy Confessor Antonine, Archbishop of Florence, whose birth into the better life is told upon the 2nd day of May.
May 10th 2020, the 17th day of the Moon, is kept

At Rome, on the Latin Way, the birthday of the holy martyrs Gordian and Epimachus. Gordian was long beaten with whips loaded with lead, and at last beheaded, in the time of the Emperor Julian the Apostate, because of his confession of Christ's Name. The Christians buried his body at night upon the aforesaid Latin Way, in the same underground place whither had a little while before been brought from Alexandria the remains of the blessed martyr Epimachus, who had there suffered martyrdom for believing in Christ.
In the land of Uz is commemorated the holy prophet Job, a man of wondrous patience.
At Rome, the blessed priest and martyr Calepodius, whom the Emperor Alexander [Severus] caused to be slain with the sword, and his body to be dragged through, the city and cast into the Tiber; when it had been found it was buried by Pope Callistus.
Moreover, at Rome also, there were beheaded the Consul Palmatius, along with his wife and children and fortytwo others of both sexes of his house also the Senator Simplicius, with his wife and sixty-eight of his household, also Felix, with his wife Blanda. Their heads were hung up at the different gates of the city to be a terror to Christians.
Also at Rome, at the Hundred Halls, upon the Latin Way, are commemorated the holy martyrs Quartus and Quintus, whose bodies were taken to Capua.
At Lentini, in Sicily, [in the third century,] the holy martyrs Alphius, Philadelphus, and Cyrinus.
At Smyrna, the holy martyr Dioscoredes.
At Bologna, [in the year 1443,] the blessed Nicholas Albergati, Bishop of that city a Charterhouse monk, and Cardinal of the holy Roman Church, famous for his holiness and for his work as Legate of the Apostolic See. His body is buried in the Charterhouse at Florence.
At Taranto, [at the end of the seventh century,] the holy Catald, Bishop [of that city, an Irish monk,] famous for wonders.
At Milan is commemorated the finding of the bodies of the holy martyrs Nazarius and Celsus. The blessed Bishop Ambrose found the body of holy Nazarius still marked with fresh blood, and took it to the Cathedral Church of the Apostles along with the body of the blessed child Celsus, to whom Nazarius had been foster-father. In the persecution under Nero, Anolinus commanded them both together to be slain with the sword upon the 29th day of July, upon the which day is kept [at Milan] the feast of their martyrdom.
At Madrid, [in the year 1175,] the holy Isidore the husbandman, famous for wonders, whom Pope Gregory XV enrolled in the list of the Saints along with holy Ignatius of Loyola, Francis Xavier, Teresa, and Philip Neri.
V. And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.

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