Stand Alone Pages on 'Musings of an Old Curmudgeon'

09 January 2025

Freemasonry Has Invaded the Church

They thought they had their man on the Throne of Peter with Bld Pius IX, but they were disappointed. With Francis, they have succeeded. How long, O Lord, how long?

From Les Femmes

By Mary Ann Kreitzer

Many Catholics no doubt wonder what has happened to our beloved Church. She is a battered and abused bride. Did you ever see a picture of a woman who's husband has infected her with syphilis? I won't post a picture because it's pretty gruesome. The Church has been infected by evil. Even though she can never be destroyed, she can be presented to the world in rags and tatters and made a mockery as the picture above illustrates. Holy Mother Church is being assaulted by a number of evil clerics intent on her destruction. They can never succeed, but they can do a lot of damage to the faith.

Why has it happened? There's a one-word answer.


Fr. Charles Murr discussed it in his book, Murder in the 33rd Degree. The book is a fascinating expose. You can read Roberto de Mattei's forward to the book here. He adds a number of additional historical events that magnify the truth of Fr. Murr's opus.

Another priest active in exposing the truth about Freemasonry at the behest of Padre Pio was Fr. Luigi Villa. Fr. Villa received a papal mandate from Pope Pius XII to investigate the serious problem facing Holy Mother Church from Freemasonry which wishes to replace belief in God with a church dedicated to Lucifer. We're not talking about atheists, who are less dangerous to the faith, but with true believers in the power of Satan. They tap into his power to accomplish their evil work.

I'm currently reading a brief biography of Fr. Villa which is online here. When the anti-Christ rises, he will likely be a Freemason. The signs of Freemasonry infecting the Church are all around us: in her architecture, in the synodal horrors and ridiculous vestments and artwork, in the attack on the traditional Latin Mass. Those with eyes to see have plenty of proof that things have gone awry. 

Let us make 2025 a year of prayer and sacrifice for Holy Mother Church. Like Fr. Murr and Fr. Villa we need many priests and laity who recognize and expose the enemy. A hidden enemy is much more dangerous than a visible one. This is no conspiracy theory, but a real war and Satan has an army of foot soldiers many of whom hold high position in the Church. 

We need to be as vigilant in doing good as the enemy is vigilant in doing evil. But soldiers need to go into the breach armed and ready. We need to be praying the daily rosary, going frequently to the sacraments, and doing penance. The Church is in the hands of the Holy Spirit. She is indefectible and the gates of hell will never prevail against her. She needs our faithful service. Let us not fear the battle, but pray for the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit to arm us for conflict.

Viva Cristo Rey!

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