Stand Alone Pages on 'Musings of an Old Curmudgeon'

03 December 2024

5 December, The Roman Martyrology

Nonas Decémbris Luna quarto Anno Dómini 2024
December 5th 2024, the 4th day of the Moon, were born into the better life:

At Mutala, in Cappadocia, St. Sabas, abbot, who was renowned in Palestine for admirable examples of sanctity. He laboured courageously in defending the Catholic faith against those who attacked the holy Council of Chalcedon.

At Thebesta, in Africa, during the time of Diocletian and Maximian, St. Chrispina, a woman of the highest nobility, who refused to sacrifice to idols, and was beheaded by order of the proconsul Anolinus. Her praises are often celebrated by St. Augustine.

At Thagura, in Africa, the holy martyrs Julius, Potamia, Crispinus, Felix, Gratus, and seven others.

At Nicaea, near the river Var, St. Bassus, bishop. In the persecution of Decius and Valerian, he was tortured by the governor Perennius for the faith of Christ, burned with hot plates of metal, beaten with rods and whips garnished with pieces of iron, and thrown into the fire. Having come out of it unhurt, he was transfixed with two spikes, and thus terminated an illustrious martyrdom.

At Pavia, St. Dalmatius, bishop and martyr, who suffered in the persecution of Maximian.

At Pelino, in Abruzzo, St. Pelinus, bishop of Brindisi. Under Julian the Apostate, because by his prayers he caused a temple of Mars to fall to the ground, he was most severely scourged by the idolatrous priests, and being pierced with eighty-five wounds, merited the crown of martyrdom.

Also, St. Anastasius, martyr, who, thirsting for martyrdom, voluntarily offered himself to the persecutors.

At Treves, St. Nicetius, bishop, a man of great sanctity.

At Polybotum, in Asia, St. John, bishop, surnamed Wonder-worker.

℣. And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
℟. Thanks be to God.

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