Stand Alone Pages on 'Musings of an Old Curmudgeon'

11 November 2024

We Will Remember Them! Lest We Forget

Pictures of my Remembrance Poppies and my 'pin ribbons'. I wear them in honour of my Grandfather, Charles Albert Oxley, Gnr, RFA, my Uncle, Roy Weisemiller, Pvt, AEF, both in the Great War, my Father, Perry Weismiller, PFC, Hq&Hq Sqdn, 8th USAAF and my Uncle, Charles Sluggett, Sgt, The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary's), in the 1939-45 War and Korea. Whilst neither my Mother nor my Grandmother was in the military, Mum was conscripted into war work in an aircraft factory (where she met my Dad, who was stationed nearby) and my Nan was a nurse in a military hospital (where she met my Granddad, who had been invalided home from Mesopotamia), so they're in their honour, too.

The top picture is of my Royal British Legion Poppy on my heavy jacket.

The bottom picture is of my lighter jacket. On top is another Royal British Legion Poppy and below that is a Royal Canadian Legion one. On the left ribbon, at the top of the ribbon are my membership pins in the Royal British Legion at the top of the triangle, below it to the left is a membership pin in the Royal British Legion (Scotland), and to its right the pin of a member of the Royal Canadian Legion. Below that is an enamelled Poppy pin from the Royal British Legion. At the bottom is my membership pin from the Sons of the American Legion, and yes, I belong to all three!

On the right ribbon, at the top is a commemorative pin from the Royal British Legion of a Cross backed by Poppies, with the dates 1914-2014, for the centennial of the Great War. Below that, to the left, is an enamelled American Legion Poppy pin. Next to it is a commemorative pin of an RBL Poppy bearing the dates 1914-2014. Immediately below those is a 'We Support Our Troops' pin from the Royal Canadian Legion. Below is another centennial Poppy pin bearing the dates 1916-2016. I wear the 1915-2015 pin on my cap, and I haven't yet gotten the 1917-2017 edition. And, finally at the bottom is a commemorative pin honouring the 70th anniversary of D-Day.

I wear these whenever the weather is cool enough to wear my light jacket. The actual Remembrance Poppies on both jackets will be retired on the evening of Remembrance Day which this year, is the day after Remembrance Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Both my grandfathers served overseas in the Canadian Army (infantry) in WWI. My father was a Sgt Air Gunner in the RCAF in WWII. My Uncle Don (mother's brother - Canadian infantry) lost a leg in the liberation of Holland. On my maternal side I am related to a Duncan Campbell who fought (British army) with Gen Wolfe at Quebec in1959 AD.

    I honour their memory and service and pray for them and do not forget. Per ardua ad astra! John the Mad CD, Major (Ret'd)


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