Stand Alone Pages on 'Musings of an Old Curmudgeon'

07 November 2024

A Dark Day in History

Today, for traditional conservatives and monarchists, ranks with the execution of HM Charles I, and 14 July 1789 and the subsequent execution of HMCM Louis XVI. It is the 107th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution. I wish I could border this post in black as a sign of mourning.

Communism has slaughtered in the vicinity of 100,000,000 people since its achieving State Power in Russia.

From The Black Book of Communism, quoted in The Commentator:

USSR -- 20 million
China -- 65 million
Vietnam -- 1 million
North Korea -- 2 million
Cambodia -- 2 million
Eastern Europe -- 1 million
Latin America -- 150,000
Africa -- 1.7 million
Afghanistan -- 1.5 million
Communist movements, parties not in power -- 10,000
Included in the estimated 20,000,000 killed in the Soviet Union alone were at least 4.000.000 mostly Catholic Ukrainians in the artificially produced famine called the Holodomor.
The first monument to the Holodomor in the world, was in Sir Winston Churchill Square, Edmonton, AB.

And here is a link to the Wikipedia article, List of Holodomor Memorials and Monuments.

Below is an article from the Wall Street Journal, Communism's Bloody Century.

And this is the result!

REVEALED: Nearly half of millennials in America would prefer to live in a socialist rather than capitalist society, according to new survey

1 comment:

  1. Every time I see Edmonton, AB. I think you're talking about an Air Force base. The first domino to topple in the 20th Century was William McKinley. 1901. Shot by an imported Czech radicalized by an imported Jew. So much for tariffs.


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