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10 November 2024

12 November, The Roman Martyrology

Prídie Idus Novémbris Luna décima Anno Dómini 2024
November 12th 2024, the 10th day of the Moon, were born into the better life:

The holy martyr, Pope Martin. He got together a synod at Rome, wherein he condemned the heretics Sergius, Paul, and Pyrrhus. Wherefore the heretic Emperor Constans caused him to be kidnapped and brought to Constantinople, whence he was banished into the Crimea, where he died, (in the year 655,) worn out by his sufferings for the Catholic faith's sake. He was famous for miracles. His body was afterward brought to Rome and buried in the Church of SS. Sylvester and Martin.
In Asia, the holy martyrs and Bishops Aurelius and Publius.
In the country of Sens, (in the year 726,) the holy martyr Paternus.
At Gent, the holy martyr Livin, Bishop (in Ireland, Apostle of West Flanders, martyred at Esse, in Belgium, in the seventh century.)
In Poland, the holy martyred Hermits Benedict, John, Matthew, Isaac, and Christinus.
At Vitepsk, in Poland, the holy martyr Jehosaphat, Archbishop of Polotsk, Monk of the Order of St. Basil, who was cruelly murdered by schismatics, (in the year 1623,) out of their hatred for Catholic unity and truth, and whose name Pope Pius IX enrolled among those of the holy martyrs. We keep his feast upon the 28th day of this present month of November.
At Avignon, holy Rufus, the first Bishop of that see.
At Cologne, (in the year 663,) holy Cunibert, Bishop (of that see.)
At Tarragona, in Spain, the blessed Priest Emilian, who was famous for countless miracles, and whose wonderful life hath been written by Braulio, the holy Bishop of Zaragoza.
At Constantinople, the holy Abbot Nilus, who had been Prefect of the city, but became a Monk, and was famous for teaching and holiness in the time of the Emperor Theodosius the younger.
Likewise at Constantinople, holy Theodore, of the monastery which is called the Studium who contended mightily for the Catholic faith against the Iconoclasts, and became famous throughout the whole Catholic Church, (a.d. 759-826.)
At Alcala, in Spain, (in the year 1463,) the holy Confessor Diego, of the Order of Friars Minor, eminent for his lowliness, whose name Sixtus V enrolled among those of the Saints, and whose feast is kept upon the morrow after.
℣. And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
℟. Thanks be to God.

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