Stand Alone Pages on 'Musings of an Old Curmudgeon'

17 September 2024

The Synod's 'Sins'

A couple of thoughts on the 'sins' listed as part of the 'Penitential Service' to be held at the opening of the Synod on Synodality.

Some of them are:

• Sin against creation, ...
• Sin of doctrine used as stones to be thrown
• Sin against synodality / lack of listening, communion and participation of all

Sins are committed against God or against our fellow man. How does one 'sin against creation' unless one deifies nature as the Pachamama 'goddess' does? Of course, Francis's insistence on the eco-fascist agenda amounts to exactly that.

'Sin of doctrine used as stones to be thrown'? We are told to '[T]each ye all nations; baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.' What does 'doctrine used as stones to be thrown' even mean. Are we now to show penitence for trying to convert the world to the Church of Christ as Our Lord commanded?

And 'sin against synodality'? As I pointed out, one sins against God or man. One cannot 'sin' against a vague, modernist idea of which no one knows the meaning, much less how one 'sins' against it..

This whole 'Penitential Service' is bollocks designed to further the destruction of the Mystical Body of Christ.

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