Stand Alone Pages on 'Musings of an Old Curmudgeon'

17 September 2024

All Religions Are Not Efficacious Paths to God

Br Andre Marie has some practical suggestions of what we, as lay people, can do in the face of Francis's blatant heretical statements.


By Br Andre Marie, SMIC

Pope Francis is quoted as saying this at an inter-religious meeting of young people in Singapore:

Every religion is a way to arrive at God. There are different languages to arrive at God but God is God for all.
But my God is more important than your god, is that true?
There is only 1 God & each of has a language to arrive at God. Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, they are different paths.

I will let those who are qualified speak to translation issues, context, etc. Note that, while Life Site (linked to, above) is broadly “traditionalist” in its views, Elise Ann Allen is certainly not, and she did not attempt to say that the Holy Father’s critics have mistranslated or misrepresented him. (Apparently the singular/plural grammatical issue — “every religion” vs. “all religions” — has something to do with a change in the official transcript.)

I fail to see how those who defend the statement based upon the larger context have a valid point. Unless the context were, “The following opinion is wrong…” or something similar, the words “every religion is a way to arrive at God” or “all religions are a path to God” are not words any Catholic should utter.

If understood in the sense that every religion is an efficacious way to arrive at beatific union with God, the words would be plainly indifferentist, and, therefore, heretical. If understood in the sense that each religion claims to bring people to God, then they convey something of a truism, but one that should clarified, most especially when the speaker is Christ’s Vicar.

People can fight about what Pope Francis really meant, and, of course, they will do so.

From where I am sitting, it looks as if nobody left the Pope’s talk with the idea uppermost in his mind that Jesus Christ and His Church are unique, divine, and necessary for salvation. Opportunity missed.

Jesus Christ called his first Vicar “blessed” and “Satan” in the span of six verses in Saint Matthew’s Gospel. (Read Soloviev’s Meditation on the Papacy for a deeper appreciation of this.) When Peter “savourest not the things that are of God, but the things that are of men,” he gets Himself in trouble; but when, on the other hand, he utters not what flesh and blood has revealed, but the Father in Heaven does, things go well.

What are the faithful to do? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Go to social media and complain that Pope Francis scandalized people.
  2. Fight with anyone who contradicts you.
  3. Defend every word that comes out of the pope’s mouth because it’s all infallible, and even if it’s not quite totally infallible, it may as well be because he is, after all, the pope. (Then #2, above.) 
  4. Pray, fast, and offer other sacrifices for the Vicar of Christ.
  5. Learn your faith and spread it, whether or not you feel that your spiritual fathers are supporting you in doing so. (Exercise your baptismal vocation, made stronger by Confirmation.) Be happy and joyful in this task. It’s an honor.
  6. Realize that the Church is not a liberal democracy (thank God!) and that we have no power to determine who becomes the next Pope — no power, that is, except #4, above, so the pressure of that difficult task of popemaking is off your back. (We haven’t much power in liberal democracies, either, since the unelected oligarchs more or less run everything no matter who wins, at least at the highest levels.)
  7. Adore, thank, make reparation to, and petition the Holy Trinity through, with, and in Jesus Christ, with the gracious assistance of the Mediatrix of All Grace, Our Blessed Mother, and all the saints and angels. This is the kind of thing you’re supposed to be aiming for in eternity, so get lots of practice on earth so that you don’t get cut from the choir.
  8. Rinse and repeat (starting at #4!).

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