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25 August 2024

Public Protest Against Panama City's Interreligious Syncretistic Meeting on Feast of the Assumption

The Prelate responsible for this blasphemy is José Domingo Ulloa Mendieta, OSA, Archbishop of Panama. He can be reached at: 

  • Mailing Address: Arzobispado, Calle 1a sur, Carrasquilla, Apartado 6386, Panamá 5, Panamá
  • Telephone: 261-0002
  • Fax: 261-0820
August 16, 2024
Metropolitan Archdiocese of the Panama City
Archbishop José Domingo Ulloa Mendieta
E. S. D.

Dear Metropolitan Archdiocese of Panama City,

On August 15, every year and since time immemorial, the Solemnity of Our Lady in her glorious Assumption is celebrated, in fact the city was founded under the name of Our Lady of the Assumption of Panama on August 15, 1519. This Solemnity demonstrates the crowning success of Mary Most Holy in this life, to such an extent that the Most High kept her away from the corruption of death to be taken body and soul to heaven to reign for all eternity with her Divine Son. The supreme joy in which the whole Christian world was immersed for centuries is incalculable and through the writings of the saints we can learn how sublime this solemnity is. Unfortunately, this brief letter is not an address of congratulations, but a cry that rises from the depths of a faithful that is overwhelmed and outraged by the serious lack of respect that is being committed against Our Holy Mother of Heaven.

We, a group of faithful Catholics from different sectors of the population come to you to refer to the event called “Afternoon of Open Temples” (In spanish it is called "Tarde de Templos Abiertos") which represents a clear attack against the Holy Catholic Church, with the deliberate aggravation of being right on the solemn day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary with which she is replaced to carry out a syncretic practice of which the Virgin Mary herself is evidently the biggest obstacle to such an event.

The mission of the Catholic Church is to be the light of the world, the salt of the earth, and the only vehicle to attain eternal life. Our Lord Jesus Christ instituted the Holy Catholic Church with the supernatural mission and exclusive purpose of converting the nations in order to fulfill the divine precept of the salvation of souls; “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father but by Me.” God has revealed that through His Most Holy Son, the whole world is to find eternal life, therefore, it is necessary to confirm at all times, through our actions and words, this immovable and perennial truth: “outside the Church there is no salvation”, which is a dogma of faith that every pastor who acts with right intention, must keep in mind.

The testimony of the saints throughout the history of the Church makes this very clear; it is enough to mention the lives of St. Isaac Jogues and his martyr companions, St. Patrick, St. Francis Xavier, St. John Bosco, St. Vincent Ferrer, St. Dominic of Guzman, St. Rose of Lima, St. Teresa of Avila, just to name a few. None of them ever thought of such an act or invitation, for they would certainly have preferred death, and they would never be inviting the faithful to visit places where people publicly teach their followers and refer to the Blessed Virgin in a derogatory, denigrating and blasphemous way. For sure, all these saints sought the greater glory of God and the conversion of souls to the truth, defending the Blessed Virgin Mary at the cost of their own lives.

The perennial and infallible Magisterium of Holy Mother Church has made it abundantly clear that not only is what is intended to be done with this type of act forbidden, but that, in turn, it is a sinful and condemnable act. Just a brief study of pontifical documents such as Mirari Vos of Pope Gregory XVI, Quanta Cura of Pope Blessed Pius IX, Syllabus of Errors of Pope Blessed Pius IX, the First Vatican Council in its Dogmatic (and infallible) Constitution Dei Filius, Pascendi Dominici Gregis of Pope St. Pius X, and Mortalium Animos of Pope Pius XI, would give you an idea that such gatherings are simply not Catholic, but rather have been repeatedly condemned.

Nothing good is gained for Holy Mother Church by this event - and others of the same nature - and what it does is to stir up and foster religious indifferentism that degrades the divine nature of Our Lord to being simply “one more” on a par with any other person who ever existed. In two thousand years of the Church, no one can cite a single instance in which the Church has invited other places of worship to come and “learn” erroneous doctrines that are in direct contradiction to the Gospel revealed and entrusted to the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ. This event was not intended to tell the truth, nor was it intended to encourage conversion, instead, it had in view an approach that renders obsolete the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ leading the faithful into error and even greater confusion. It could not be more evident the deliberate deviation to which the Panamanian faithful have been forced to endure for many years without being able to extract even a drop of sound doctrine that is in conformity with what the Church has taught for two thousand years.

This whole event, in its second year, is inconceivable for a Catholic who cares about his salvation, but what makes it undoubtedly a mockery and a ridicule to Our Lady, is that it was done deliberately on August 15, one might ask; what motivated Monsignor Ulloa to choose this date for this nefarious event? Since it is a day to give full homage to the Mother of God and Queen of Heaven. The repeated occasions in which an attack on Our Mother of Heaven has been demonstrated, in different forms and modalities, constitutes a horrible abomination in the eyes of God and sufficient motive for Him to unleash His holy wrath against us as demonstrated throughout Biblical history.

Just to bring up the unanswered letter of protest that we sent to your office in view of the blasphemous indigenous rites that took place on October 5, 2022 and for a week in Monte Alverna, property of the Archdiocese, where several prelates -including three cardinals and several bishops- explicitly invoked strange deities and worshipped the Pachamama, catalogued by exorcists as demonic. There can be no greater scandal for a pious faithful seeking salvation than to see their legitimate authorities commit demonic practices, never repaired. Now to argue excuses of mercy and peace as a reason to have dialogue, inclusion, and learning from other erroneous beliefs has been systematically condemned by the Catholic Church. To think that the Blessed Virgin Mary, supreme guarantor of the doctrine of the Church, blesses these enterprises where the road to error and the condemnation of souls is propitiated, is frankly mocking and an affront to God.

What we kindly request here is that you return to the course of the sound doctrine of the Church; it is precisely the Blessed Virgin Mary who with her Grace and intercession is the mediator so that your souls and ours may be saved. However, we have persisted in a dark path that has been marked by pastoral negligence, the scandal of the flock of God, and a malicious deprivation of the true doctrine in order to feed the vast majority of Catholics in Panama and thus obtain the necessary knowledge for the salvation of souls. The attack against those who resolutely take on the task of doing what you have abandoned for no other reason than compromise with the world, has become worse and worse and more intense. We have come to the lamentable point of witnessing how Our Lady, Sweet Queen of the Assumption, is thrown aside to promote the tendencies of the revolutionary world that seeks a religious syncretism, a world religion that vilely rejects God and His divine plan.

Of so many pious initiatives that could have been taken to celebrate that glorious day of the Assumption, a partially free day in this country, the Archdiocese deliberately chose for the second year in a row to how the “Afternoon of Open Temples”, which demonstrates the discordance between your own interests and those of Pope Pius XII - supported by the entire Deposit of Faith - when he proclaimed the dogma of the Assumption of Mary Most Holy in body and soul into heaven. To put it in an abbreviated form: what causes us most horror in all this, is to see how the macabre idea of demolishing the solemn feast of Mary Most Holy, in order to make room for such a scandalous event that is not worthy of a Catholic, even under penalty of sin, could be combined. The two things: the event and the date, are what every Catholic should be extremely upset about.

How many more times do we, the faithful, have to tell you openly that we want nothing to do with this type of doctrine that offends the Divinity of Our Savior and the integrity of His Immaculate Mother? Many Catholics suffer constant insults for wanting to do what has always been done in the Church, but we have reached - years ago - the last straw which now we witness: that you denigrate the immensity of the mystery of the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady. We cannot let this happen or allow it in any way, nor can we remain silent in the face of this tragedy; we distance ourselves from the lukewarm who submit to the cruel abuses you inflict on us, we are proudly Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman, for which reason we will always defend the honor of the Gracious Virgin Mary who is Our Mother and Coredemptrix.

We will say something that surely you do not want to admit: The Blessed Virgin Mary does not share any plan to have the Church as a charity organization, she does not share the desire to please the world in its errors and sins, she does not share the eagerness for novelty by discarding the truth, she does not share a twisted synodality in order to distort and dismantle her Church. She is and always will be an invincible wall of contention against the constant disrespect to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in Panama. The negligence and carelessness in the due formation of the Catholic faithful, the doors that they slam shut so that no faithful may know the joy of the bimillenary Tradition of the Holy Church of God, and all that you do to hinder the right and sound doctrine and what should be your mission of being authentic shepherds of souls and not deliver them directly to the wolves to devour them.  We are sick and tired of this Archbishop Ulloa.

In the face of such a calamity caused, there can only be an act of national reparation convoked by you, with more force than the convocation for the disastrous event that happened. We beg you, Archbishop Ulloa, for the sake of justice and for the love we have for the Holy Catholic Church, to publicly rectify the evil committed.  As always Archbishop, we pray for the conversion of the clergy and we will continue to work so that more Catholics open their eyes to the immense tide of intellectual and spiritual rot to which the faithful of this Isthmus have been contaminated for years.

We do not want anyone to fall under the severe warnings of St. Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort when he said: “Those who attack Mary will be confused” and in another section he says “Whoever, therefore, does not have Mary for Mother, will not have God for Father either”. We will not grow weary of proclaiming the truth in the face of all adversity, as long as the Lord gives us life, rest assured that we will not desist until justice is done to the Mother of God, as well as honoring the Divinity of Our Lord who has been blasphemed with acts of a false ecumenism that contradicts the Tradition of the Church. We hope for a prompt and upright conversion, together with this act of reparation that we pray for through the love of the Immaculate Virgin assumed into heaven.

(Basis in law: Canon 212§3: According to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they possess, they have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful, without prejudice to the integrity of faith and morals, with reverence toward their pastors, and attentive to common advantage and the dignity of persons.)

For more information, contact on Instagram: @christusvincit.9802

Also email:

Yousef Altaji Narbon
Luis Varela
Azzael Sanjur
Enrique Morgan
Jose Cespedes
Rafael Pinillo

Pictured: His Grace José Domingo Ulloa Mendieta, OSA, Archbishop of Panama

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