Stand Alone Pages on 'Musings of an Old Curmudgeon'

03 August 2024

Catholic Canadians Are Viewed as a Threat by Canada’s Liberal Government

Trudeau is just more open about it than the US. The same thing is happening here, but it's hidden under CRT and DEI. Lenin said 'Give me your four-year-olds, and in a generation I will build a socialist state.'

From Everyday For Life Canada

Are you Catholic/Christian? Do you support the Conservative Party? Are you white? Do you have a traditional family? If the answer is yes to any or all of these questions, and you live in Canada, the Liberal government now sees you as a threat. You are the source of bigotry and hatred, and so a danger to the woke state.

Don't believe it, right? Well, the Justin Trudeau Liberal government has paid the Canadian Anti-Hate Network $268,000 to produce a resource called, Confronting and Preventing Hate in Canadian Schools: A Toolkit. The project was launched in 2022 by the Diversity Minister Ahmed Hussen. It's a fake, divisive and dangerous "diversity" because it excludes many, including Catholics.

In brief, students across Canada must be taught that the problem in woke Canada's comes from conservatives, Catholics and white people. It's white people who are nationalists and "sometimes attempt to infiltrate mainstream Conservative political parties.” Students must be taught to watch out for these terrible colonizers and racists.

Students need to be on guard for the "bigots" who "hate" and must not let them get away with it, even if they claim their right to free speech. Anyone flying the Canadian Red Ensign is suspect. Believe or not, these toxic ideas have now become the Liberal government's core values that must be taught to students.

Who is the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, CAHN,? They define themselves as "an independent, nonprofit organization made up of Canada’s leading experts and researchers on hate groups and hate crimes. The Canadian Anti-Hate Network counters, monitors, and exposes hate promoting movements, groups, and individuals in Canada, and provides information and education to the public through journalism and advocacy."

They have set themselves up as the arbiters of what determines "hate groups and hate crimes." They have this authority to define "hate" because the Trudeau government has given them permission to say so. They are anything but independent.

It's also worth noting that CAHN gets most of its funding from the Liberal government, read tax dollars, to fight "hate" and "anti-racism". What this essentially means is that CAHN is funded on the assumption that Canada is a racist and bigoted nation.

According to CAHN, there are movements in Canada that must be eradicated because they promote hate. These are white nationalism, the alt-right, anti-Black racism, anti-Indigenous racism, anti-semitism, Islamophobia, misogyny, anti-feminism and anti-2slgbtqia+.

Under the alt-right umbrella, we find that Catholics and what they believe has become a threat to the government:

According to the Southern Poverty Law Centre, the alt-right is an ideology whose loose membership holds a core belief that “white identity” or “western society” is under attack by multicultural forces using “political correctness” and “social justice” to undermine white people and “their” civilization.” After Charlottesville, the alt-right rebranded somewhat to the “Groyper” movement, a loose collection of younger white nationalists, led by American Nick Fuentes. The Groypers have a large presence in Canada. They are explicitly pro-male. They may accept BIPOC males into their ranks, but girls and women are largely dismissed, or only viewed as a means to advance the ideology through having large families. Much of their ideology centres around co-opting Catholicism and many identify as Catholic or traditionalist.

According to this Liberal funded Toolkit, Catholics have an ideology that goes against the progressive core DIE values of diversity, inclusive and equity of the Trudeau Canada. It's what he calls the post-nation state. White people who may be Catholic and hold conservatives ideas are a problem. Large families are also a danger to this "inclusive" ideology. Bottom line: the Liberal Trudeau government wants to push this propaganda against Catholics in Canadian schools and put children against parents and much of the history of Canada.

This is disgraceful. Catholics must do all that they can to make sure that the Liberal government doesn't get re-elected. Ditto for the New Democratic Party led by Jagmeet Singh who has done everything to suck up to the Trudeau government. Probably done by Singh to collect his full pension. These corrupt, narcissitic politicians don't deserve to lead anyone, let alone Canadians. They hate Catholics. Vote them out.

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