Stand Alone Pages on 'Musings of an Old Curmudgeon'

23 August 2024

24 August, Antonio, Cardinal Bacci: Meditations For Each Day

Extreme Unction

1. The Sacrament of Extreme Unction is the final link in the chain of favours with which our lives are girdled. It heals the wounds which sin has left in us, confers grace upon the soul, and can even restore the health of the body if this coincides with our spiritual welfare. “Is any one among you sick?” asks St. James. “Let him bring in the presbyters of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick man, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he be in sins, they shall be forgiven him.” (James 5:14-15)
Extreme Unction is a Sacrament of the living and should therefore be received in the state of grace. If for some grave reason, however, it is impossible for the sick man to make his Confession, he can make, as far as is possible, an act of perfect contrition and receive this Sacrament. In this case Extreme Unction can remit even the mortal sins which he is unable to confess. Of itself, however, this Sacrament increases sanctifying grace in the soul, pardons venial sins, remits the temporal punishment due to sins which have already been forgiven, and removes the evil inclinations and weakness of will which are the result of sin. It enables the soul, moreover, to endure suffering and temptation and to await death with calmness and resignation. We should be deeply grateful to God for deigning to comfort and assist us in our final trial.
2. We need not be afraid of the Sacrament of Extreme Unction, regarding it as if it were the herald of death. It is, in fact, the harbinger of life. It gives us the supernatural life of grace, and if God in His goodness judges it to be conducive to our spiritual welfare, it restores our corporal life as well. When we are seriously ill, we should desire and demand to receive this Sacrament rather than wait until it is too late. It is not a fatal poison, but a very precious gift from God.
As long as we live, we should pray to God not to deprive us of this final gift of His infinite mercy. It is a comforting thought that when everyone else will have deserted us, our Lord will come to assuage our suffering and to help us with His grace on our great journey into eternity.
3. We should remember that this Sacrament imposes on us a very grave obligation. In modern times many people neglect to advise their relations and friends to receive the Sacrament of Extreme Unction when they see that they are dangerously ill. Their motive is one of false pity, for they are afraid to scare their loved ones. They postpone the administration of the Last Sacraments until the patient is unconscious and can no longer receive them with the proper dispositions.
It is wise to remember that those who are responsible for their relations not receiving the Last Sacraments in good time are guilty of grave sin. It is a dreadful responsibility to assume before God and before the souls of those dear ones who could be well damned forever as a result of their neglect.

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