Stand Alone Pages on 'Musings of an Old Curmudgeon'

24 July 2024

Catholics and Pro-lifers as ‘Terrorists’ and ‘Extremists’

Another look at the US Department of the Army classifying National Right to Life and people who have anti-abortion license plates as 'terrorists'.

From Catholic Stand

By Genesius

This past month, I read an article reporting that anti-terrorism training was held at Fort Liberty (formerly Fort Bragg) labeling the National Right to Life folks and people with “Choose Life” license plates as terrorists.  Wow!

I had a hard time believing this.  However, it was confirmed with pictures from the briefing.  What’s more, this briefing has been taking place at Fort Liberty for at least seven years.

Historically, the United States military is trained and equipped to fight and defend the homeland from foreign aggressors.  It’s still hard to believe that today, personnel in the United States military are being taught that ordinary citizens who oppose the murder of children through abortion are terrorists.  When did citizens become enemies to their country for wanting to protect life?

Thirty states in the U.S. issue “Choose Life” as an optional license plate design.  Does that mean these states are also promoting terrorism?  Is the family of six driving a minivan with one of these license plates a covert cell of terrorists?

In addition to profiling pro-lifers as terrorists, the United States Defense Department tried to brand Catholics as extremists.  And the United States Government perceives Catholics to be such a threat that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is actively targeting Catholics. The United States Congress even issued a report detailing the extent of the FBI’s weaponization of law enforcement against Catholics.

Catholics have never been viewed favorably in the United States.  Be that as it may, how did Catholics allegedly become extremists and pro-lifers (which includes a good number of Catholics) become terrorists?

What Is a Terrorist?

So, what exactly is a terrorist?  The FBI does not really offer a clear definition.

The FBI clearly states on its website that terrorism is “violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.”

Looking for a clearer definition elsewhere, Merriam-Webster says a terrorist is “an advocate or practitioner of terrorism as a means of coercion.”  So much for defining a word without using the word.

So, then, what is terrorism?  This time Merriam-Webster says that terrorism is “the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion.”  Based on this definition, one still needs to drill down further.

What is terror?  Merriam-Webster finally defines the word without using the word.  Terror is “a state of intense or overwhelming fear” or “violence or the threat of violence used as a weapon of intimidation or coercion.”

Using these three explanations, one might conclude that a terrorist is an advocate or practitioner using a state of intense or overwhelming fear with violence or the threat of violence as a means of coercion.  This could mean that one does not have be a practitioner, but just an advocate to be a terrorist.

When comparing the FBI explanation and the Merriam-Webster definition, a clear difference is obvious.  The FBI definition states terrorists must be committed to performing violent, criminal acts.  The Merriam-Webster definition positions advocacy as the threshold to become a terrorist.  Using that logic, just about anyone can be labeled a terrorist – or just about anything.

What the Self-Ordained Experts Say

To guide society, many expert organizations have formed to point out for all to see who the extremists and terrorists are.  Who made these organizations experts?  Well, they did.

One of the most cited U.S. organizations pointing out extremists is the Southern Poverty Law Center.  Anyone can easily download a complete list of extremist groups in the Unites States.

When looking at this list of extremist organizations, one finds some very interesting entries, including the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Following the 1,500-year-old Rule of St. Benedict is extreme.  Fortunately, members of this extremist group are easy to spot.  One only needs to look for a women in black habits with a white collar.

Promoting prayer using the Rosary and sharing the message of our Blessed Mother is another example of an extremist organization.  The Fatima Center in Buffalo, New York made the SPLC’s list of extremist organizations.

When going through the list, one finds many different categories of extremist organizations.  These include anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ, anti-muslim, male supremacy, and white nationalist groups. Also listed were sheriff groups who hold the view that sheriffs have the authority and duty to enforce the constitution and to protect their citizens from the overreach by the federal government. Evidently enforcing the highest law of the United States is also extreme.

Missing from the list were anti-American, anti-heterosexual, anti-Catholic, female supremacy, and anti-white groups. I guess we can rest easily knowing that such groups do not exist.  Keep in mind that the riots in 2020 that left many cities in flames were 93% peaceful and churches are not being burned to the ground.

Terror of Demons

I will dispense with any further sarcasm.  Actually, I do believe Catholics create intense and overwhelming fear in many people.  I have witnessed it.

Countless numbers of people are in denial, clinging to their sins, and afraid to admit their behaviors are wrong.  The presence of Catholics is often enough to strike terror in many of these people, whether it be saying a prayer outside an abortion clinic or holding signs along a drag queen parade. These peaceful deeds create fear without violence or the threat of violence.

Catholics advocate or practice speaking hard truths, praying, and holding fast to Catholic doctrine as a means of coercing others to repent and seek redemption without violence or the threat of violence.  This creates in intense and overwhelming fear in many, especially demons.

One of the titles given to St. Joseph is Terror of Demons. He earned this title for many reasons.  St. Joseph was the head of the Holy Family and protector of the Christ Child.  He was a strong, faithful, and obedient to God.  His life was completely hidden with very little written about him in the scriptures.  He kept himself and the holy family hidden in obscurity until the appointed time.  Demons hated him for it.


Unites States Supreme Court Justice Alito said in 2022, “Religious Liberty is under attack in many places because it is dangerous to those who want to hold complete power.”  This is the reason many clinging to worldly positions of authority want to label Catholics as extremists and pro-lifers as terrorists.  Catholics are a threat to their power.  However, their power is only in this world and holds no license in the next.

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