Stand Alone Pages on 'Musings of an Old Curmudgeon'

29 June 2023

"Is a Synod of Horrors Coming Our Way in 2023/24?"

Synodalism is just Conciliarism by another name. Conciliarism has been condemned by the Church as heresy from Execrabilis (1460) of Pius II to Pius VII's condemnation of Germanos Adams (1816).

From Rorate Cæli

By Peter Kwasniewski, PhD

"Already it is regarded in the media as a 'church parliament' or 'mini-concilium,' and the Synod Secretariat's protestations to the contrary only reinforce this unfortunate impression." A guest commentary by Joachim Heimerl (source in German)

Recently I heard a lady being asked about the "synodal church." Her answer was as succinct as it was accurate: "Please! I'm Catholic, not synodical." I can only agree with this myself, even though talk of the "synodal church" is now so naturally on everyone's lips as if it were a statement of faith.

In fact, however, this term is not found in any magisterial document or in any catechism; nor does it appear in the "Credo". Whoever speaks of the "synodal church" is therefore speaking of something that does not exist.

Synods of bishops also have nothing to do with the "synodal Church", and in their present form they have not even existed for long, but were only introduced in 1967 by Paul VI to advise the popes. Anyone who claims otherwise is spreading fake news, even if even cardinals are now doing so. Slogans like "synodality is part of the DNA of the Church" are ideological at best, but they are not Catholic.

Of course, the upcoming 2023/24 Synod of Bishops is officially only a consultative body; unofficially, however, it is already much more. This is evident, among other things, from the fact that lay people participate in the synod and, on top of that, have the right to vote. It is clear that this fundamentally contradicts the definition of a synod of bishops. However, it is also clear that the significance of this synod increases enormously as a result. Already today it is regarded in the media as a "church parliament" or "mini-concilium" and the protestations of the Synod Secretariat to the contrary only reinforce this unfortunate impression.

The fact is that the upcoming synod is intended to usher in a paradigm shift in the church, as the recently published working paper (instrumentum laboris) impeccably demonstrates. Thus the objective of the synod has become apparent: Celibacy is to fall and, with the introduction of women deacons, also the sacrament of Holy Orders. In addition, the sacrament of marriage is to be further softened by the "blessing" of same-sex couples and by an acceptance of - pagan - polygamy of whatever kind. Beyond that, there are a number of other proposals, all of them hair-raising.

The perfidy of this working paper is two things: It contains - first - mainly questions, which are however only rhetorical nature and want to be answered exclusively positively. And - secondly - it is raised in advance to the level of binding force by being described by the synod secretariat as a "document of the entire church". That this is only a sleight of hand and - pardon - an outright lie, is already evident from the history of the text's creation; the participation of the "entire church" here was only just above zero in percentage terms! But truth does not matter to the makers of the Synod. Cardinals Grech and Hollerich already want to increase the pressure on the pope; after all, it is hardly conceivable that Francis will stand up to the "entire church". To ensure that this does not happen in the end, Hollerich has taken precautions with a "watertight" safeguard: he incessantly propagates the work of the Holy Spirit, and this before the synod has even begun.

But no synod can claim the Holy Spirit, and it itself has not the slightest doctrinal authority. Hollerich's "Holy Spirit" is just a cheap alibi to push through a leftist agenda that fundamentally contradicts Scripture and all the Church's teaching to date. - No! This synod has as little to do with the Holy Spirit as Jesus has with a "synodal church," and certainly not one that wants to conform unrestrainedly to the world.

Nevertheless, the synod poses a serious threat to the church. At the latest after the passing away of Pope Benedict XVI, the way now seems to have become free to follow that radical hermeneutics of rupture that has begun to emerge more and more clearly in recent times. Following the ominous example of the "Synodal Way" in Germany, a new "Roman" Church is now to be established, which has nothing in common with the Catholic Church and which no longer seeks its unity, founded by Christ, in Peter, but in a vague "diversity". - The fact that this unbiblical term has become the key concept of the synod paper speaks volumes; not even Luther would have resorted to such shabby tricks.

Because a synod, according to the will of Paul VI, is nothing of itself, at the end of each synod the ball is in the pope's court. Should Francis actually adopt the positions of this damaging working paper, he would undoubtedly go down in history as the pope who destroyed the Church.

At present, no one knows whether it will come to that. That the synod will harm the entire church, on the other hand, is already certain. One need only look at the gloomy Germany: the "synodal way" there has meanwhile torn the local churches apart, the German episcopate has de facto separated from the Roman Church and divided itself internally; the "synodal church" has become a church of its own of German heretics, who further usurp their episcopal chairs.

Meanwhile, as if this disaster were not enough, Rome has nothing else to do than to adopt the German heresies in the form of "questions", to grind down the walls of the Church and to deliver it to the knife of the Zeitgeist.

What seemed unthinkable under Benedict XVI and John Paul II is now becoming a dismaying reality. The Church is thus facing a dramatic time and probably also the fulfillment of a prophecy. In the Church-approved message of Our Lady of Akita (Japan 1973) it literally says: "Devilish machinations will penetrate the Church, and cardinals will rise against cardinals and bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be despised and fought against by their confreres. Altars and churches will be laid waste. The Church will be filled with people who accept compromise."

It would be hard to sum up more aptly what we are witnessing with the coming Synod of Horrors. Yet we may be sure that the Holy Spirit will always confirm the previous Magisterium and Tradition.

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