Stand Alone Pages on 'Musings of an Old Curmudgeon'

27 February 2021

27 February, The Holy Rule of St Benedict, Father of Western Monks

CHAPTER XXII. How the Monks are to sleep

27 Feb. 29 June. 29 Oct.

Let them sleep each one in a separate bed, receiving bedding suitable to their manner of life, as the Abbot shall appoint. If possible, let all sleep in one place: but if the number do not permit of this, let them repose by tens or twenties with the seniors who have charge of them. Let a candle burn constantly in the cell until morning. Let them sleep clothed, and girded with belts or cords - but not with knives at their sides, lest perchance they wound themselves in their sleep - and thus be always ready, so that when the signal is given they may rise without delay, and hasten each to forestall the other in going to the Work of God, yet with all gravity and modesty. Let not the younger brethren have their beds by themselves, but among those of the seniors. And when they rise for the Work of God, let them gently encourage one another, because of the excuses of the drowsy.

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