Stand Alone Pages on 'Musings of an Old Curmudgeon'

31 July 2020

Instant Karma (x2)

A couple of short posts from Mundabor's Blog that illustrate the utter stupidity (and evil) of the leftist revolutionaries who are trying to destroy society.

Instant Karma

In these tense days, I think it my duty to do what I can to bring a smile on the face of my esteemed readers.

The story is here: in short, a very angry woman and a strange human being who might, or might not, be in possession of a vagina brutally assaulted (likely from the back, as he says it was so sudden) a Wisconsin State Senator who was taking photographs of the mob taking down a monument.

I do not know exactly who did what, and it seems that several people participated in the assault. However, these two are considered two of the assailants, probably the main two assailants.

Look at them. The person on the left is clearly recognisable as a female; but, a while after the assault, her look is still expressing ruthless, cold, steely hatred. Meanwhile, the person on the right could be your typical soy boy, but the linked article assures us that this person also has, in fact, a vagina. As we all know that sex is destiny, we will archive her as “female” once and for all.

So, these two individuals viciously kick and punch the Senator, likely from the back, because he was photographing a crime in which the mob was engaging. Make no mistake, they will do time.

One of the two was a “school social worker”. I do not know what a “school social worker” does. There were no “school social workers” where I grew up, and I grew up just fine anyway. I do not even know who of the two disquieting human beings was the social worker, and it pains me to say that I would not be surprised to know that it was, in fact, the one with the blue and green hair, looking like John Goodman’s difficult nephew. Still, look at the sinister light in the other one’s eyes and you would not know what is worse.

The story is funny enough, as it features two violent Social Justice Warriors who were just too stupid to understand that reality would catch up with them sooner or later (the events are around one month old; so, this was later rather than sooner…).

But it gets better…

It turns out the poor Democrat Senator was punched and kicked to a very sorry state whilst trying to explain to his assailants that he was on their side.

Poor, poor Senator Carpenter, caught in the middle of the same destructive violence he supported and celebrated! Instant karma, then…

I wonder if State Senators have immunity, because it seems to me that the guy has self-denounced himself of encouraging violence and incitement to a riot.

This summer of 2020 is giving us a number of these hilarious episodes (a guy almost burned another criminal alive in Portland a couple of days ago; another idiot wounded three fellow rioters accidentally firing his rifle; a third one was dispatched in Austin, hours after bragging that his “pussy” opponents would do nothing against him and his rifle).

I wish I had the time to write about them all…

God knows we all need a smile.

Instant Karma, Garrett Foster Edition

The video tweet below has the episode I was mentioning in my last post.

This was filmed in Austin, where a wannabe tough guy says the people who “hates us” are “too big of a pussy” to do anything about his AK 47. His name is (was) Garrett Foster.

Guy is clearly looking for trouble; but, being a clear case of Libtardation, does not understand that Austin is in Texas, and in Texas a lot of people are; 1) armed, and 2) clearly not pussies.

It seems abundantly clear that no charges will be pressed against the citizen who shot him in self-defence. This means that the police/prosecutors have decided that Garrett Foster threatened the citizen with his AK 47 and discovered, too late, that you can’t threaten someone with a deadly weapon without running the risk of being smoked on the spot.

Mind, I am all in favour of citizen carrying open. But there’s a big difference between carrying a gun and using your gun to threaten and intimidate someone. This is aggravated assault, and justifies a deadly response.

Also mind: citizen called 911 as soon as he could and was cooperative with the police. It seems that if you are an upright citizen, you will be fine even in a liberal stronghold like Austin.

Unless new elements come to light (which, at this point, is unlikely) we will remain to the facts as they are today: Garrett Foster, Libtard, looked for trouble, and instantly found it.

Congratulations, Mr Foster.

You are in a good position for the Darwin Prize 2020.

Please watch this video. This is the guy that lost his life last night. He was looking for confrontation and he found it. The Feux Mike Ramos Brigade needs to be stopped. The only people out of control during this incident was the Feux Brigade. #Isleofmisfittoys

— Kenneth Casaday (@KennethCasaday) July 26, 2020

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