Stand Alone Pages on 'Musings of an Old Curmudgeon'

22 November 2018

Prefect of Religious Preaches Heresy to Women Religious: "The Holy Ghost Destabilizes Today"

Another heretic in the Curia. Undoubtedly he was behind the letter issued by his Dicastery, Cor Orans, designed to destroy the contemplative Orders of women, that I've blogged about before.

From The Eponymous Flower

Pope Francis gathered representatives of contemplative women's orders in Rome. The Prefect for Religious, Cardinal Braz de Aviz explained to them the "necessary aggiornamento" and provided a whole new interpretation of the Holy Spirit.
(Rome) João Cardinal Braz de Aviz blames the "nostalgic" in the Church, because "Peter is currently Francis" and no one else.
Braz de Aviz, ordained in 1972, has been bishop since 1994. From 1998 to 2011 he was first Bishop of Ponta Grossa, then Archbishop of 
Maringá  and finally, Archbishop of Brasilia. In 2011 he was appointed Pope Benedict XVI. as Prefect of the Congregation for Religious in the Roman Curia and created Cardinal - one of the failed personnel decisions of the German Pope. Since then, the Brazilian, despite the change on the Cathedra Petri, has kept his office, not least because, as it is said in Rome, because he wrote an inglorious chapter in the Causa against the Franciscans of the Immaculata.Contrary Church circles agree that Braz de Aviz is not among the best that the Brazilian Church has produced. Their Episcopate has long been suffering from Marxist liberation theology and mediocrity. 
Yesterday, the cardinal spoke with a confession, which was distributed by the SIR press agency of the Italian Bishops' Conference. 
"The name of the Pope is not interesting: at present Francis is Peter, all forms of nostalgia that don't point to now, do not do well."
At the same time, the Brazilian Cardinal emphasized: 
"Pope Francis is an unimaginable gift because, with clarity, transparency and simplicity, he has set this line for the Church to follow at this difficult moment".
Also at the conclave of 2013, in which Pope Francis was elected, the cardinal commented: 
"There was no argument at the conclave. We were all in agreement with Bergoglio, so that we chose him in only one and a half days, even though we had to eat and drink for two weeks. "
Cardinal Braz de Aviz participated in a meeting of the Apostolic Constitution Vultum Dei quaerere on the occasion of Pro Orantibus. This highly controversial constitution, issued by Pope Francis in 2016, is described by critics as the "Sovietization" of contemplative women's monasteries. For the conference, which takes place at the request of Pope Francis, nuns from all over the world came together. The Cardinal emphasized the "importance of the bond with the Pope" to them and called for: 
"To be ready to listen to the Lord and the Pope, to "aggiornare" the millennial consecrated and contemplative life.
And further: 
"The Council demands that we become disciples of Jesus and enter into dialogue with the culture of the moment, not with the past."
Braz de Aviz made a pause with a cryptic statement. According to the Cardinal, the Holy Spirit used to stabilize, but today he destabilizes: 
"The Holy Spirit today is more a sign of instability than stability: He moves the water and lets the water up to our necks so we do not rest on our safety."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Image: (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

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