Stand Alone Pages on 'Musings of an Old Curmudgeon'

20 November 2018

How #Women are #Equal to #Men

Mr Holdsworth criticises the modern egalitarian movement for uniformity as it applies to feminist politics.

His introduction to the video:

The past few generations have made some big strides in the pursuit of women’s equality but there has been an ideological stream within that movement that seems to have done as much harm as it has good, so I thought it would be worth dissecting it in the pursuit of a more authentic appreciation of how men and women can be understood as equals. The pursuit of equality for women should be a pursuit of recognizing their inherent value rather than trying to give them value that we think they don’t have. A mistake, I think, we’ve made is one in which we uphold a simplistic view of equality that says in order for two things (or in this case people) to be considered equal, we must ensure that they are the same. The danger in this way of thinking has been that, in recognizing that women have not been treated equally to men in the past, we made the mistake of insisting that for them to become equal to men, they’ve had to become more like men. We’ve emphasized certain characteristics, that are common to men, as being more desirable for women to aspire to… at the expense of the strengths that they already excel in. Equality of the sexes isn’t achieved by trying to reduce the distinctions between men and women and it is especially not achieved by forcing women to try to be more like something they’re not. It’s achieved by recognizing the unique strengths of each and celebrating them for what they are. The kind of equality that I’m criticizing is one that wants to force uniformity on everyone and that’s an oppressive fallacy that I think we should leave behind. By insisting that women become more like men to be equal to them isn’t celebrating the unique qualities of women. It’s just a backhanded way of celebrating men. So let’s celebrate the women in our lives for bringing a unique perspective to the world that enlightens our own with feminine wisdom. The genius of #women isn't found in doing what men can do, it's found in doing what men can't do.

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