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19 November 2018

Dinosaur Media Attack on Catholics Who Uphold Faith and Morals

It seems the 'mainstream' media has gotten on the anti-Catholic, homosexualist bandwagon, along with Francis, Tommy Rosica, 'Beans' Faggioli, and Jimmy Martin, LGBTQXYZSJ.

Well, I was recently called a 'Novus Ordo conservative' and a 'Calvinist', much to my surprise. I guess I can now add alt-right to the list of epithets, along with the 'secret marxist out to infiltrate the Church' and 'fascist' I've been called in the past.

From Fr Z's Blog

From NBC comes a piece of sheer anti-Catholic homosexualist propaganda.
A few points as a prelude.
The homosexualists are working together with their allies in the dinosaur media to shift all the focus away from the problem of #sodoclericalism in the Church.  They are desperate to get the focus off of themselves and onto someone else.  Hence, they are determined to victimize Catholics who are simply trying to hold the teachings of the Church which their lobby want to bring down.   The libs and homosexualists (lots of cross-over there) depend mainly on the ever deeper mass ignorance of history, Church teaching, basic moral language and its issues.  This ignorance was engineered over decades of execrable public education and limp, empty catechesis. They haven’t been taught much more than to think of their own views as supreme, but they haven’t been taught to learn or to reason.  Now that people are suitably numbed by screens, ignorance and a lack of ability to reason, its time to turn up the heat.
And so, read a bit of the following and contemplate the months to come.  From NBC:
How the Catholic ‘alt-right’ aims to purge LGBTQ members from the church
Websites like Church Militant, LifeSiteNews and the Lepanto Institute are ratcheting up the rhetoric with personal attacks on supporters of gay Catholics.
By Corky Siemaszko [Corky Siemaszko is a senior writer at NBC News Digital.  Corky also writes for Truthout which “works to spark action by revealing systemic injustice and providing a platform for transformative ideas, through in-depth investigative reporting and critical analysis. With a powerful, independent voice, we will spur the revolution in consciousness and inspire the direct action that is necessary to save the planet and humanity.”]
The call for action against the “Forces of Organized Perversion” landed in the inboxes of conservative Roman Catholics across the country just before Election Day.
“Have you had enough?” activist Randy Engel wrote in a column that first appeared on the conservative website “Or will you wait until the Homosexual Collective’s hobnail boot is pressed on the neck of your prone body or that of your child or grandchild before reacting?”  [Randy Engel wrote a book called The Rite of Sodomy: Homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church.  US HERE – UK HERE.]
“Cast your vote for God, family, and nation,” she wrote.
[Watch the word choice…] Many Catholics say they are worried that activists like Engel are the vanguard of a new offensive by ultra-conservative Catholic groups that see the growing acceptance of LGBTQ Catholics by Pope Francis and other reformers as a mortal threat to their church.
Websites like Church Militant, LifeSiteNews and the Lepanto Institute are ratcheting up the rhetoric while replacing polite and prayerful discourse with personal attacks on supporters of gay Catholics, they say.
Meanwhile, anti-gay activists have increasingly been disrupting gatherings of LGBTQ Catholics and their supporters, a phenomenon first reported by the National Catholic Reporter[aka… you know what.] Just this month, a group of Dominican nuns in suburban Milwaukee hired security guards to keep more than two dozen anti-gay protesters off their property where they were hosting a retreat for gay clergy.
Fordham University [Jesuit-run] theologian Jason Steidl has coined a name for them.  [Steidl is a homosexualist activist, according to his page at Fordham HERE. “As a theologian and member of the ministry team for Out at St. Paul in Manhattan, he is an outspoken advocate for the LGBTQ community in the Catholic Church.” Hence, he is intimately connected with James Martin.  New Ways Ministry has a page for him.  HERE]
“I call them the ‘Catholic alt-right,’” Steidl told NBC News. “We haven’t seen anything like this before. I think they are part of a bigger cultural movement. These people have hitched their wagons to Trump’s presidency, to his tactics.”  [This is the same bullshit that I was accused of in the BuzzFeed hit piece that Martin engineered.]
They have also tried to weaponize the Pennsylvania grand jury report released in August that named more than 300 “predator priests” to scapegoat homosexuals, never mind that many of the 1,000 victimized children were girls.  [Many? How many compared to the boys and young men?]
[And, right on cue…] “They inject fear, hatred and homophobia into religious discourse,” said the Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit priest and author of “Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion and Sensitivity.”
“They use the same tactics as the political alt-right: lies, personal vilification and demonization of minority groups,” he said.
Michael Voris, who heads Church Militant, rejected the label “Catholic alt-right,” calling it “non-applicable and stupid.” He said all they are doing is vocally defending their faith and see President Donald Trump as an ally. He once compared Trump to Constantine, the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity.
Voris agreed that conservative Catholics are more focused now on the LGBTQ community, but said it’s because “the news [of the Pennsylvania grand jury report] has certainly multiplied under Pope Francis.”
“I don’t whip up crowds to stone them,” he said. “We’re not a bunch of Muslims in Saudi Arabia chopping peoples’ heads off.”
But the gay lifestyle is a sin, Voris said, and he’s speaking from personal experience.
“I lived a gay lifestyle for a number of years,” said Voris, who said he is now celibate.
Mike Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute also bristled at the Catholic alt-right label.
“The Lepanto Institute does not stand for anything beyond the absolute and immutable teachings of the Catholic Church,” Hichborn wrote in an email. “That does not make us ‘alt-right’ but fully  [… the piece cuts off… really.  Then it just starts up again.]
[…  There follows some whimpering about how badly treated Martin, etc. are…. ]
Who are the Catholic alt-right?

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