Stand Alone Pages on 'Musings of an Old Curmudgeon'

19 November 2018

Cult of Personality

My last post from Vox Cantoris reminded me of one of the deep dark secrets of my past. I was a communist! Not just a 'fellow traveler' or a fuzzy minded university professor or student who thinks communism is great, but an actual Candidate Member of the Communist Party of the USA. When I am asked why I am such a vociferous anti-communist today, my answer is simple. I learned my anti-communism in a hard school, the Communist Party.

During that short period, before sanity returned, somehow a North Korean university student in communist Cuba got my address. He (or she?) started sending me packets of North Korean books, magazines, and newspapers, all in English. I often wondered what my postman thought of them, brown paper parcels, postmarked Havana, Cuba.

I received the Collected Works of Marshall Kim Il-sung, the Beloved Father and Leader of Forty Million Korean People. I'm not making that up! That's how the grandfather of the current insane leader of the communist slave camp that is North Korea was referred to in every mention of him. They were printed on 'Bible paper', gold edged, bound beautifully in leather, with the 'coat of arms' of the DPRK stamped in gold on each cover.

The magazines were unvarying. Every article was about a factory, a collective farm, a school, or some such institution, and each one was illustrated with pictures of the 'Beloved Leader' surrounded by happy workers, farmers, or children, as the case may be, all gazing adoringly at the 'Beloved Leader'.

The newspapers were more of the same. Longer articles, but every picture was of Kim Il-sung surrounded by adoring crowds, and every caption used his full, fawning title.

I am reminded of this every time I see an article or a tweet by Tommy Rosica, 'Beans' Faggioli, or another of Francis's fawning sycophants, lickspittle toadies, and yes men minions. Joe Stalin had nothing on Francis (tho' Francis obviously adopted many of his tactics from Uncle Joe), and it's rapidly reaching the point that Francis rivals the Beloved Father and Leader of Forty Million Korean People!

And I'm not the first to notice it! From Rorate Caeli, Blast from the Past on Bergoglio: Pascal Was Right  (my emphasis),

“Yes I know Bergoglio [, says a Jesuit superior from another Latin American country]. He’s a person who’s caused a lot of problems in the Society and is highly controversial in his own country. In addition to being accused of having allowed the arrest of two Jesuits during the time of the Argentinean dictatorship, as provincial he generated divided loyalties: some groups almost worshipped him, while others would have nothing to do with him, and he would hardly speak to them. It was an absurd situation. He is well-trained and very capable, but is surrounded by this personality cult which is extremely divisive. He has an aura of spirituality which he uses to obtain power. It will be a catastrophe for the Church to have someone like him in the Apostolic See. He left the Society of Jesus in Argentina destroyed with Jesuits divided and institutions destroyed and financially broken. We have spent two decades trying to fix the chaos that the man left us.”
Paul Vallely
Pope Francis: Untying the Knots


  1. Thankfully, you saw the light, Mr. Weismiller.

  2. The entire period of left-wing insanity only lasted a few years in my early 20s. By the time I was 30, I had returned to being a monarchist, and was a solid reactionary, well on my way to being a Catholic (I converted at 33).


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