Stand Alone Pages on 'Musings of an Old Curmudgeon'

31 July 2018

Vatican Secretary of State Praises Modernist Cardinal Bernardin

One of Francis' chief toadies praises a man who was a disaster for the Church.

Bernardin was a disaster for the Church in Chicago, presiding over the loss of 25% of the Priests in the Archdiocese. He was a disaster for the Church in the US, presiding over the 'Bernardin Machine', controlling the USCCB and Episcopal appointments in Church in America. And, he was a disaster for the Church Universal, devising the heresy of the 'Seamless Garment of Life', which has led to a devaluing of the Magisterium in general and confusion in the anti-abortion movement in particular.


During his holiday stay in Trento region, Italy, Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin extolled at the end of Sunday mass in Tonadico, the late Chicago Cardinal Joseph Bernardin (+1996) whose parents emigrated from this village.

Parolin called Bernardin who was the leading modernist in the U.S "the great Joseph Bernardin" according to (30 July). He went on claiming that Bernardin was a "great shepherd but then, above all, he suffered so much."

Bernardin was a hero of the anti-Church media. During Bernardin’s reign (1982-1996), Chicago Archdiocese lost almost 25% of its clergy.

In Bernardin's final weeks, President Bill Clinton awarded him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. His funeral mass was presided by his good friend, radical Cardinal Roger Mahony.

Bernardin was accounted for setting up the «Bernardin Machine» which controlled the U.S. Bishops’ Conference and almost all episcopal appointements.

The Bernardin ideology consists in not defending or preaching any Church teaching deemed "controversial" [by the oligarch media] and by using disciplinary measures almost exclusively in order to persecute faithful Catholic priests.

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